JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p>Jurnal TEPAT or Applied Technology for Community Engagement and Services Journal is a journal published by Faculty of Engineering UNHAS. TEPAT JOURNAL is dedicated to accomodate scientific activities which are vocalised on technology applications with the merit to increase the quality of life of people and sociaty.</p> <p> </p>Faculty of Engineering UNHASen-USJURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat2654-2781Sosialisasi Penggunaan Airbag Untuk Peluncuran Kapal Kayu di Kelurahan Galesong Kota, Kecamatan Galesong, Kabupaten Takalar
<p><em>One of the centers for traditional wooden boat construction in South Sulawesi is Galesong District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. Generally, wooden boats constructed by craftsmen in this area are for fishing. Craftsmen's skills in building the boat were acquired from their predecessors. However, the craftsmen still faced some problems during the boat construction work. One of the problems is related to launching the boat into the water, which is still conducted traditionally using logs and sandbags. The solution is to propose the use of airbags to launch ships. Airbags have been used to launch steel ships but relatively not for wooden boats. Hence, this activity aims to introduce the use of airbags to launch the boat. The target for the introduction is a group of wooden boat craftsmen, "Patorani," in Galesong District, Takalar Regency. Before and after the activity, achievements are evaluated by identifying the perceptions and views of craftsmen regarding the airbags. The activity is conducted through socialization and explanations of airbags with visualization. The result shows that almost 90% of the craftsmen had never heard of airbags before and were unsure that airbags could be used to launch the boat. However, after the activity, most craftsmen can be convinced that airbags can solve their boat launching problems. Only one participant out of 15 still had doubts about the use of airbags for boat launching. The rest of the participants were even ready to use the airbags to launch their boats.</em></p>Ganding SitepuLukman BocharyMohammad Rizal FirmansyahWihdat DjafarRosmani .Suandar BasoIndrawansyah .Editya .
2024-06-282024-06-28711810.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.450Sosialisasi Konsep Blue Economy Dalam Pembangunan Kawasan Wisata Pesisir Kota Makassar
<p><em>Indonesia is one of 193 countries committed to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). In this new paradigm of sustainable Indonesian development, the maritime sector is a priority for future development with the concept of blue economy, which is a sustainable ocean economy that produces economic and social benefits with the assurance of long-term environmental sustainability. The focus of the blue economy with this maritime economic strategy makes coastal communities the centre of blue economy growth. Makassar City has a coastal tourism area located in Tanjung Merdeka Village, Tamalate District Makassar, and is managed community-based by </em><em>Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) of Tanjung Merdeka</em><em>. To maintain the sustainability process of coastal tourism area management, it is necessary to understand the concept of blue economy according to the maritime development strategy. Socialisation of the concept of blue economy in the development of coastal tourism areas in Makassar City has been carried out and achieved an increase in knowledge and understanding of participants by 50%. Understanding the concept of sustainable coastal and marine resource management, as well as how to participate in facing the challenges of environmental degradation and climate change, will complement the role of Tanjung Merdeka NGO as a tourism manager with the concept of blue economy. Assessment of the application of the concept of blue economy in coastal tourism areas has been carried out and fulfils the concept of blue economy according to Pauli's theory (2010).</em></p>Taufiqur RachmanJuswan .Daeng ParokaMuhammad Zubair Muis AlieBulan PurnamaArdi .
2024-06-282024-06-287191810.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.453Bimbingan Teknis Upaya pengelolaan Lingkungan di Sekolah Alam Le Cendekia untuk Mencapai Adiwiyata
<p>In the context of efforts to achieve Adiwiyata status at Le Cendekia Boarding School, the Department of Environmental Engineering at Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) has organized a technical guidance program. This program is an annual activity that focuses on environmental management and aims to increase environmental awareness among students and realize an environmentally conscious school. The technical guidance activities cover various topics such as Adiwiyata, drinking water management, wastewater management, waste management, biogas production, and the importance of green open spaces. During the program, Pre-Test and Post-Test assessments were conducted on 17 students to measure their understanding before and after receiving the information. Additionally, field visits to Le Cendekia Boarding School were conducted to observe the practical implementation of environmental practices, including waste management, eco enzyme production, garden produce, and livestock. The results of the Pre Testshowed an average score of 51.18, while thePost Test average score was 64.71. This activity demonstrates an improvement in students' understanding and awareness of environmental issues and practical solutions that can be implemented to preserve the environment. The technical guidance program is expected to support Le Cendekia Boarding School in its efforts to achieve Adiwiyata School status and promote sustainable environmental awareness.</p>Nurul Masyiah Rani HarusiRasdiana ZakariaIrwan Ridwan RahimIbrahim DjamaluddinFakhruddin .
2024-06-282024-06-2871193010.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.440Harmonila: Revitalisasi Budidaya Ikan Nila berbasis RAS-IOT dan PLTS guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Perekonomian Desa Borong Pa’la’la, Kabupaten Gowa
<p>The fish farming system in Indonesia has been widely developed because of its great potential. A common problem in fish farming systems is a decrease in water quality, therefore water replacement must be carried out continuously. Apart from that, the water is also susceptible to contamination and causes suboptimal fish growth. This problem is also experienced by fish farmers in Borong Pa'la'la Village, Pattalassang District, Gowa Regency, who produce stunted Tilapia fish, thus Tilapia cultivation activities are not very popular with residents. Community service activities (PkM) from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, provide solutions for revitalizing Tilapia fish cultivation by utilizing the Recirculator Aquaculture System (RAS) which is integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Solar Power Plants (PLTS). The aim of this activity is to increase the production of Tilapia fish cultivation both in terms of quantity produced and in terms of the quality of the fish produced. Apart from that, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the knowledge and interest of the youth in effective and sustainable Tilapia cultivation activities as well as the integration of technology into these cultivation activities. PkM activities are carried out in the form of socialization and training for residents, as well as building a RAS-IoT-PLTS system for Tilapia cultivation. Based on the results of quantitative analysis of pre-test (before training) and post-test (after training) measurements by training participants, an increase in the level of understanding of participants reached 77 – 85%, which was quite understanding to very understanding of the RAS-IoT-PLTS system as a whole, compared to conditions before training was carried out. This indicates that this activity has achieved the expected target.</p>Fitriyanti MayasariMuh. Krishna Moorthy SaudAhmad Yusuf SuandiAhmad Ridha
2024-06-282024-06-2871314410.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.460Aplikasi Program Visum untuk Analisis Estimasi Pembebanan Jaringan Jalan di Kota Sungguminasa Kabupaten Gowa
<p><em>The Gowa Regency as a node area that has been designated as one part of the Metropolitan City, an integrated city of Mamminasata, so that Gowa Regency has an important role as a sub-center for the development of Makassar City. The increase in traffic volume has led to transportation problems including queues of vehicles on several roads in the city of Sungguminasa. On several roads in Gowa Regency, there are more potential of congestion occurs because the modes of transportation that pass on these roads have exceeded over the available of road capacity. On the other hand, the distribution modes of transportation is uneven which causes overload capacity on several roads in Gowa Regency, especially Somba Opu District. The purpose of this activity is to analyze the trip assignment of the existing road network conditions and forecast for the next five years based on the existing road level of service values on each road segment according to the origin-destination distribution of trips using the Visum program application. Network assignment by overviewing the performance level of service of existing road network sections shows the classification of service on most road sections with levels A, B and C with indications of stable flow, with the speed is starting to be limited by traffic conditions. In forecasting conditions, it can be seen that the loading of the road network with its performance on most of the sections has decreased in service at levels D and E with indications that traffic is starting to be disrupted and speeds are slowing down. The results of the application of the Visum program in trip assignment for the existing road network with road service level values provide important information as an effort to determine strategies and efforts in mitigation to overcome transportation problems. Detailed level of road service in a road network on several existing road sections will provide an integrated information regarding the potential for diverting several heavy traffic flows in an effort to prevent potential congestion.</em></p>Muhammad Isran RamliS. A. AdisasmitaHajriyanti YatmarSyafruddin RaufMuralia HustimS H AlyR U LatiefRosmariani ArifuddinSuharman HamzahM A Abdurrahman
2024-06-282024-06-2871455310.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.361Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga sebagai Wujud Implementasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Kelurahan Laikang, Kecamatan Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar
<p>Human waste becomes one of paramount issues which is faced by urban community particularly those who live in Laikang Sub-District, Biringkanaya District, Makassar City. The increasing number of population directly effected the higher waste production. Furthermore, This is exacerbated by limited capacity at landfills to accommodate waste as well as the government's lack of awareness of how important it is to manage good waste, especially household waste which has a direct impact on society. Household waste itself is dominated by organic waste, much of which comes from organic materials. Laikang Village is one of the residential areas that is active in waste management, through the PKK as women's empowerment organization. Unfortunately, organic waste management is still considered inadequate, even though it is easier than inorganic waste management in this sub-district. One solution to overcome this is to manage waste using the reduce, reuse, recycle (3R) method. Therefore, the existence of socialization on household waste management as a form of implementing sustainable development in related locations is expected to solve the problems by educating the local community. This socialization was carried out using lecture method and discussion methods with pre-test and post-test as a tool to measure participants' understanding, there are 12 of them which are part of the Laikang Sub-District PKK. The results show 100% increase in participants' understanding and knowledge regarding organic waste management. This activity provides many benefits for the sustainability of people's lives in Laikang Village.</p>Jayanti Mandasari Andi MunawarahMuhammad Rayhan ZairaMimi ArifinArifuddin .Wiwik Wahidah OsmanGafar LakatupaSri Aliah EkawatiSri WahyuniAndi Luthfi FadhilAndi Siti Faatimah Mauldini AzizahMuhammad Rayhan ZairaNurul Hidayah
2024-06-282024-06-2871546210.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.425Sosialisasi Aksesibilitas dan Konektivitas Stasiun Kereta Api di Kecamatan Tanete Rilau, Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Apart from functioning as a place for loading and unloading goods and boarding and disembarking passengers, train stations also play a role in spurring economic growth in a region. In order for the train station to function well, efforts are needed to increase the station's contribution to society through improving train services. One of the important elements related to rail transportation services is accessibility and connectivity. Collaborative Service LBE activities take the form of outreach activities aimed at providing information and understanding regarding the accessibility and connectivity of the Tanete Rilau Railway Station (SKA-TR), in Tanete Rilau District, Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. Socialization activities were carried out in collaboration with Laloang Village in Kec. Tanete Rilau. The socialization participants were specifically 23 women who live in Laloang Village with various livelihoods. The method for implementing collaborative LBE community service activities is preceded by conducting a survey of the existing conditions of SKA-TR and outreach activities. This socialization activity explained the existing condition of SKA-TR through the presentation of photos of the survey results of the existing condition of SKA-TR, accessibility and connectivity material, and discussions. In measuring the success of activities, a pre-test was carried out before socialization and a post-test after socialization. The results of the pre-test and post-test qualitative analysis showed that participants' understanding and knowledge regarding the existing conditions of SKA-TR had increased to 74.53%. Meanwhile, the increase in understanding of SKA-RT accessibility and connectivity was 67.7%. These results indicate the success of the activity which is expected to indirectly attract participants' interest (specially the ladies) in using rail transportation.</span></em></p>Marly Valenti PatandiananIhsan .Abdul Rachman RasyidIsfa SastrawatiLaode Muh. Asfan MujahidSuci Anugrah YantiAngelia KhairunnisaAgil Parwan
2024-06-282024-06-2871637510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.431Bimbingan Teknis Transformasi Media Promosi pada UD. Rizky Amalia Berbasis Digital Marketing
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Community Service is one of the main elements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which is the main duty as lecturer including at the ATI Makassar Polytechnic. This Community Service Activity was carried out in the third week of August 2023 and took place at UD. Rizky Amalia, Enrekang Regency. Activities involving owners, mployees of UD Rizky Amalia and several business owners in Buntu Sarong Village. The purpose of implementing the service activity was providing technical guidance on making promotional media by using Artificial Intelligent (AI). The method for measuring the success of activities was carried out by measuring participants' knowledge using pre-test and post-test questionnaires. The average score of the pre-test results was 5.50 before the material and training were given. The post-test average score was 17.50. The increase in the average score for these two groups of respondents indicates the initial assumption that respondents gained increased knowledge from this activity. This is also supported by the results of the paired t test where it is hypothesized that there is an average difference between the pre-test data and the post-test data which shows that there is an influence of providing materials and training on increasing respondents' understanding. This is proven by the significant value of less than 0.05 which was 0.00.</span></p>Andi Dian Sry Rezki NatsirFitri JuniantiRianti Indah LestariRiskawati .
2024-06-282024-06-2871768510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.442Pelatihan Pengukuran Dan Perhitungan Tonase Kapal Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. PM 45 Tahun 2021 Pada Perajin Kapal Kayu Tradisional Di Kecamatan Galesong Kabupaten Takalar
<p style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="SV" style="font-size: 10.0pt;">The basic idea of tonnage measurement is to determine the capacity and withdrawal of levies of a ship, which then develops into proof of ship ownership and the ship's nationality. In 1969, a conference was held regarding the measurement of ship tonnage, known as Tonnage Measurement of Ship (TMS) 1969. This rule was enacted internationally in 1982 and ratified by the Republic of Indonesia in 1989. As a form of ratification commitment, the Republic of Indonesia has regulations outlined in Law No. 17 of 2008 concerning shipping, Government Regulation No. 51 of 2002 concerning shipping, and Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 45 of 2021 concerning ship measurements. Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 45 of 2021 concerning ship measurements is a new regulatory product. Hence, it is necessary to disseminate the regulation to the community of traditional ship owners and craftsmen. The dissemination was conducted in the Galesong District for a group of wooden boat craftsmen, TORANI, in the form of training in measuring and calculating wooden boat GT (gross tonnage) and NT (net tonnage) using domestic methods. During the training, participants showed high enthusiasm and enthusiastically asked questions about these regulations, including how to measure the GT and NT of a boat. The Training Success Indicator (IKP) is 85%, obtained from the average post-test score. The indicator percentage shows that the training was satisfactory in delivering the new</span></em><span lang="SV" style="font-size: 10.0pt;"> <em>regulation to the participants.</em></span></p>Wahyuddin MustafaSyamsul AsriFarianto Fachruddin LMoh. Rizal FirmansyahMisliah .Rosmani .Hamzah .Fadhil Rizki ClausthaldiWihdat DjafarWishal Wijdan A.N
2024-06-282024-06-2871869510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.452Peningkatan Kualitas Bahan Baku Pengrajin Batubata Di Desa Panyyangkalang Kecamatan Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Craftsman group of earth brick at Ballaparang sub village, Panyyangkalang village of Bajeng Subdistrict in the Gowa Regency has long been produced bricks mainly for the construction materials in the Makassar City and Gowa. However, some problems arisen by the craftsman such as brick quality produced is crack easily and the brick maturity during firing is difficult to control. To solve the problem, it was performed the counseling activity with the aims at increasing the brick quality through firing test with controlled temperature and time. The compressive strength test was conducted and compared to the brick produced by craftsman. In addition, mineralogical and chemical testing of raw material was performed using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) methods respectively. Compressive strength test was carried out for both bricks produced by craftsman and brick fired in laboratory using Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) method. Testing results show that clay raw materials were composed of feldspar (plagioclase), quartz, illite, nacrite, and magnetite. Chemical testing exhibits that iron oxides (Fe</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">2</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">O</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">3</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">) is high so it is suggested to reduce the iron content in raw materials by using low-intensity magnetic separator. The implementation results of compressive strength produced by craftsman provide the average value of 3.03 MPa whereas brick fired in the laboratory give the minimum value of 5.09 Mpa which was achieved in 6 hour and 500</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">o</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">C firing. The contribution of this activity indicates the improvement of brick quality mainly compressive strength up to 59 %.</span></em></p>Sufriadin .Irzal NurSri WidodoDjamaluddin .Nirmana Fiqra QaidahiyniAndi ArumansawangAsta Arjunoarwan HattaNur Alam Fajar
2024-06-282024-06-28719610510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.219Sosialisasi Potensi Bahaya Geologi dan Mitigasinya di Kecamatan Herlang, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Bulukumba Regency experienced a geological disaster caused by land movement in the form of landslides and horizontal ground shifts on 24 May 2023. Damage to several government buildings and facilities occurred due to the geological disaster. The government of Bulukumba Regency is aware of the geological disaster that is signalled to continue. Therefore, the Labo-Based Education (LBE) service activity of the Faculty of Engineering was carried out in the Herlang sub-district, Bulukumba Regency. This LBE activity was carried out with the Department of Geological Engineering, Hasanuddin University, and the Government of Herlang District, Bulukumba Regency. This LBE service activity aims to increase the capacity of government and community to introduce geological natural disasters and mitigation efforts. The methods used are making socialisation documents and socialisation of geological disasters to the Herlang sub-district government. Assessment of programme achievement was conducted during the socialisation and by giving short questionnaires before and after the socialisation (post-test). Socialisation on geological hazard potential and mitigation was conducted with the sub-district government, community leaders, community organisations, and the general public, with 46 participants. Based on the questionnaire result, about 85% of the participants understood the geological information in the Herlang sub-district, Bulukumba Regency. The socialisation activity is expected to be sustainable in educating the community to achieve responsive and well-coordinated disaster mitigation.</span></em></p>Hendra PachriA. M. ImranBusthan AzikinAsri JayaRohaya LangkokeRatna HusainFauzi ArifinSafri BurhanuddinKaharuddin .Bahrul Hidayah
2024-06-282024-06-287110611710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.437Sosialisasi Mekanisme Kontrol Ultraviolet-C (UVC) Desinfektan Penanganan Covid -19 di Kabupaten Pinrang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Public services are interactions between society and the government as public servants. This service activity involved the Pinrang Regency Investment and Integrated Service Agency (DPMPTS) and academics from the Mechanical Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University. Utilizing this disinfectant tool can help the DPMPTS service in terms of air sterilization and preventing the spread of Covid-19 in community service spaces. The problem that arises is the level of interaction between the community who needs services and DPMPTS employees as service providers who are quite vulnerable to the spread of viruses and bacteria. This can cause the spread of disease, so tools are needed that can reduce the impact of the spread of the disease. The use of Ultraviolet C (UVC) is a disinfectant tool that has been proven effective in killing microorganisms, one of which is the COVID-19 virus. The service method is carried out using an outreach mechanism at the DPMPTS agency which is attended by technical government agencies and several participating local communities. The process of implementing socialization uses a questionnaire mechanism consisting of pre-test and post-test. At the start of the socialization, the number of respondents who filled out the questionnaire was 18 people consisting of 8 government representatives and 10 community representatives or a total of 18 respondents. In the pre-test results, it was found that only 3 people understood the function of the mobile robot disinfectant system mechanism and 15 people did not understand. After the socialization was carried out, better results were obtained with 17 people who understood and 1 person who still did not understand the working system of the mobile disinfectant robot. Therefore, it is recommended to use mobile disinfectant robots in DPMPTS public service spaces to reduce the effects of spreading viruses and bacteria.</span></em></p>Andi Amijoyo MochtarLuther SuleRustan TarakkaNasruddin AzisBaharuddin MireAndi MangkauFauzan .
2024-06-282024-06-287111812610.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.466Sosialisasi Energi Terbarukan dan Pelatihan Perakitan Listrik Tenaga Surya pada Siswa Sekolah Alam Le Cendekia Gowa
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Renewable energy is energy that comes from renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are energy sources that can be used indefinitely and will never run out because they can be recovered in a relatively short time, including geothermal, wind, bioenergy, sunlight, water flows and waterfalls, as well as movements and temperature differences in ocean layers.” Solar panels are the main equipment in a solar power generation system which functions to convert sunlight energy into electrical energy directly. Nowadays, human dependence on energy concerns almost all aspects of life. Energy reserves originating from fossil fuels throughout the world are estimated to only be up to 40 years for petroleum, 60 years for natural gas, and 200 years for coal. The condition of limited energy sources in the midst of increasing world energy needs from year to year (energy consumption growth in 2004 alone was 4.3 percent), as well as to protect the earth from global warming and environmental pollution makes the demand for immediate realization of new technology for renewable energy sources. Therefore, the Community Service Team of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University held community service at the LE CENDEKIA Nature School on December 14 2023. The aim of this service is to increase understanding regarding renewable energy and carry out simple applications of renewable energy for students. The method of implementing the service is by interview on the importance of renewable energy and training in solar power assembly. There were 25 socialization and training participants. Community service results show an increase in understanding of the importance of renewable energy from 20% to 50%, and knowledge about solar power assembly from 5% to 45%.</span></em></p>Muhammad SyahidJalaluddin .Andi Amijoyo MochtarGerard Antonini DumaRudi AmmeLukman KasimMuh. Arjun
2024-06-282024-06-287112813610.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.455Desiminasi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Bagi Pengrajin Perahu Nelayan Fiberglass Dusun Pattontongan Kecamatan Binamu Kabupaten Jeneponto
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Binamu District is the largest producer of Seaweed by Jeneponto Regency (14% of total seaweed production). This sub-district is one of the seven sub -districts in Jeneponto Regency as a seaweed producer. Small boats are a means of operational seaweed cultivation often suffered hull damage due to landing. This boat is generally made of wood or fiberglass material. The "Cahaya Laut" as one of the groups of seaweed fishermen in Binamu District, Pattontongan Hamlet consists of ten members. This group has been a fostering of the Lecturer of Shipping Engineering Study Program. One of the competencies is the skill as a fiber glass craftsman in repairing and making fishing boats. In the process of building and repairing the boat they have not implemented safe and healthy work procedures in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards (K3). This community service activity aims to introduce and provide an understanding of the importance of K3 aspects, then applying precautions of things that can cause accidents and occupational health problems in their work environment. The results of the initial interview, showed the fact that work accidents often occur in minor and severe injuries. Therefore, it is important to do a desimination of K3 for craftsmen (seaweed culture) Fiberglass boat in Patotontongan Hamlet, Binamu District. The results of this dissemination activity show that all craftsmen have understood the importance of K3 aspects in repair work and making fiberglass boats. The results of quantitative pre-test and post-test analysis show an increase in partners' understanding of extension activities by 70%. This indicates the success of the activity and has met the set objectives.</span></em></p>Syamsul AsriFarianto FachruddinM.Risal FirmansyahWahyuddin MustafaZulkifli YusufLukman BocharyFadhil Riski ClausthaldiMuhammad Akbar Azis
2024-06-282024-06-287113714810.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.357Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi Akibat Sesar Lembang di SMAN I Lembang, Jawa Barat
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sesar Lembang merupakan sesar aktif yang terletak di bawah tanah di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Sesar ini memiliki panjang sekitar 30 km dan bergerak dengan kecepatan sekitar 2,5 cm per tahun. Sesar Lembang terletak di bawah daerah Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, dan berpotensi menyebabkan gempa bumi dengan magnitudo yang signifikan, mencapai 7,0 SR. Salah satu wilayah yang akan berdampak cukup parah akibat sesar lembang ini adalah SMA Negeri 1 Lembang. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi terkait gempa bumi pada sivitas sekolah SMAN 1 Lembang serta penerapan teknologi tepat guna sebagai solusi mitigasi bencana gempa, terutama gempa bumi akibat Sesar Lembang. Hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah peta jalur evakuasi, rambu dan marka jalur evakuasi, pelatihan dan sosialisasi strategi menghadapi bencana untuk siswa, guru, serta sivitas sekolah lainnya. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran sivitas sekolah meningkat sebanyak 50% yang terlihat dari hasil kuesioner pengetahuan mengenai kebencanaan khususnya akibat Sesar Lembang.</span></p>Atmy Verani R SihombingAditia FebriansyaAndri Krisnandi SomantriRisma Nur lndahMulyadi YuswandonoLindung Zalbuin MaseReni RaafidianiSiti Patimah
2024-06-282024-06-287114916410.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.456Optimalisasi Lingkungan Belajar di Sekolah Impian
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This activity is motivated by the need to improve the quality of the learning environment at Sekolah Impian, which directly impacts student learning. Its goal is to create an optimal learning environment through good classroom design and enhancing the quality of teaching by educating teachers on child psychology. This optimization is based on the theory that the physical condition of the classroom and the quality of teaching significantly affect learning effectiveness. The activity involves all school elements, including administrators, teachers, and students, in line with community development theories that emphasize active participation. The implementation includes three stages: providing classroom design guidelines to administrators, educating teachers on child psychology, and applying these guidelines in one classroom. Participants included seven teachers and 20 students, evaluated before and after the implementation of these stages. The analytical method used involved observation and assessment of changes in teaching quality and the physical condition of the classroom. The results show that the design guidelines help administrators understand important principles in creating a good learning environment, and the psychology education helps teachers improve their teaching quality. Evaluations show improved learning environment quality and learning for kindergarten and elementary students. Active participation from all parties is crucial. The evaluation results are recommended to be used as a reference for future learning environment development.</span></em></p>Andi Karina DeapatiMuhammad Taufik IshakYusaumi RamadhantiElvita Bellani
2024-06-282024-06-287116517810.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.443Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Teknologi Tatakelola Perkuliahan Berbasis Smart Things
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This community service activity is a form of implementation of the results of research and innovation in the Department of Electrical Engineering related to the development of smart things-based lecture technology. The technology disseminated in this activity includes hardware, software and work procedures to support campus operations towards an intelligent system. It is hoped that the aim of this activity will be to develop similar technology by the Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Bone campus as a partner in this activity. This Community Service (PkM) activity program is a structured and sustainable effort that can be implemented by partners to increase efficiency in lecture management, reduce routine workload, and improve student learning experiences. Many infrastructure and strategic objects on the Unismuh Bone campus have the potential to be connected to the internet network so that governance arrangements are easier, more effective and optimal. This PkM program is designed to introduce and integrate advanced technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, data analysis and automation into lecture management which currently relies on manual processes. Lecturers, administrative staff and students at partner universities have been involved in various integrated activities such as workshops/seminars, tutorials and demonstrations/practical training aimed at providing the understanding and skills needed to adopt technology. With the help of digital technology, partners are expected to be able to further optimize class management, evaluation, attendance monitoring, and utilization of physical and digital resources. To evaluate the success of the activity, a questionnaire was administered before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the activity. The evaluation results show that there is an increase in partner understanding related to smart things-based governance technology.</span></em></p>Elyas PalanteiAndani AchmadSyafruddin SyarifAzran Budi AriefIda RachmaniarZulfajri Basri HasanuddinSamuel PanggaloTajuddin WarisAndini Dani AchmadMerna BaharuddinIdris Palantei
2024-06-282024-06-287117918610.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.418Penguatan Kapasitas Masyarakat Desa Salenrang, dalam Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Geoheritage Kawasan Geopark, Kabupaten Maros Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesia is a country that has many islands and is rich in tourist destinations such as natural tourism, history, religion, culture, and so on. This attracts foreign tourists to visit or travel to Indonesia. One of the leading destinations in South Sulawesi which attracts foreign and domestic tourists is the Rammang-Rammang Karst in Maros which is known as the largest karst in Indonesia and is also a Global Karst Geopark Area approved by UNESCO. Rammang-Rammang Karst is an area that has a unique panorama, namely the type of karst, namely, tower karst with the natural landscape shape (geomorphology) of the Maros-Pangkep Karst area. Increasing the capacity of the Salenrang Village community is urgently needed so that the dissemination of geology-based information is more optimal. Therefore, the Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, in collaboration with the Salenrang Village Government, organized a Laboratory Based Education (LBE) Service to increase the capacity of the people of Salenrang Village, Maros Regency. The methods used in this LBE event are observation, socialization and presenting information on tourist destinations through pamphlets and brochures. The observation method is carried out with the aim of systematically obtaining data on objects that will be socialized at the LBE service location in detail. Socialization was carried out to the Salenrang Village community about the tourism potential and geological conditions of the Rammang – Rammang Karst by distributing brochures and pamphlets to the Salenrang Village community in the LBE event area. Based on the results of the questionnaire, around 63% of visitors understand geological information in the tourist area, making it a challenge to disseminate better information. Through this LBE event, the people of Salenrang Village have proven that scientific information related to geological characteristics is very helpful in managing the geoheritage of the Rammang Rammang Area so that the increase in visitors will increase.</span></em></p>Haerany SirajuddinHendra PachriA. M. ImranJamal Rauf HusainRohaya LangkokeRatna HusainMeutia FaridaAdi MaulanaSultan .Agustinus .Meinarni ThamrinSafruddim .Bahrul HidayahMuh. FajrinMuh. Zulfahmi AzrulNurul Ikhsan
2024-06-282024-06-287118719910.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.372Pelatihan Pembuatan Lansekap Mini untuk Restorasi Atensi
<p>This Community Service aims to improve Human Resources (HR) skills directly related to the community. The method of implementation is to train partners to create mini landscapes for residential homes from materials found around them, either in the form of objects obtained from nature or other cheap items, so that it is hoped that this can be used as a business to be economically independent in the future, and can restore human attention. From the routine of daily life (ART: Attention Restoration Theory, according to Kaplan), especially after the end of Covid-19. In this community service, lecturers and students provide materials to make a mini landscape, such as rocks, sand, soil, cactus plants, flower pots, and equipment such as scissors and glue. The theme is rocks and cacti. This theme was taken considering that the target whose skills will be added is the younger generation (children and teenagers of the male gender with elementary and middle school education). They are Hafiz Al-Qur'an Ibnu Abbas at Pondok Jabal Hira on Antang Technology Hill, Manggala, Makassar. They are Hafiz Al-Qur'an Ibnu Abbas at Pondok Jabal Hira on Antang Technology Hill, Manggala, Makassar. The results of the service produce mini landscapes, both made individually and in groups, providing valuable educational experiences. Apart from that, the quantitative pre-test and post-test analysis showed an increase in students' understanding; initially, only an average of 25% of students understood the activity material; after the activity was carried out, it rose to 72.22%. This activity also establishes the Islamic Brotherhood.</p>Afifah - HarisahRia WikantariAbdul Mufti RadjaMohammad Mochsen SirAndi Karina Deapati
2024-06-282024-06-287120020810.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i1.435Efektifitas Pelatihan Strategic Planning Metode Kombinasi untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Kepuasan Peserta di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Pinrang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Pinrang Regency is an area with a Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) period which will end in 2024 as well as a five-year strategic plan belonging to the Health Service. However, due to simultaneous national regional head elections in 2024, Pinrang Regency has not been able to produce this document due to the fact that a definitive regional head has not yet been elected. To fill the gaps in planning documents while waiting for the Regional Representatives to be elected, the Ministry of Home Affairs instructed them to prepare a strategic plan for the 2025-2026 period. Based on this, an activity with the right method is needed to help the Health Service be able to understand and create strategic plan documents quickly. This community service aims to provide training to the Pinrang District Health Service using a combination method (delivery of material, case studies, and preparation simulations) and assess its effectiveness to increase participants' understanding and satisfaction. The training was held for 2 days and was attended by 30 participants. The results of the Pre-Test quantitative analysis showed that the participants' level of understanding was 10 - 20% understanding and very understanding regarding the material provided, then there was an increase in the Post-Test results, where participants' understanding was 60 - 70% understanding and very understanding. This shows that the activity objectives have been achieved.</span></em></p>Irwandy .Adelia U. Ady MangilepRini AnggraeniFarhah Husain GhanusNur Latifah Salman