JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p>Jurnal TEPAT or Applied Technology for Community Engagement and Services Journal is a journal published by Faculty of Engineering UNHAS. TEPAT JOURNAL is dedicated to accomodate scientific activities which are vocalised on technology applications with the merit to increase the quality of life of people and sociaty.</p> <p> </p>Faculty of Engineering UNHASen-USJURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat2654-2781Psikoedukasi Siaga Bencana Untuk Siswa Siswi Sekolah Islam Athirah
<p><em>Makassar is one of the cities in Indonesia that is unlikely to be free from natural disasters. The problem is that the community, especially school-age children, is not yet responsive and alert and does not understand disaster preparedness's importance. Low knowledge, lack of information provision, and disaster risk management can increase the number of victims. Athirah Islamic School, one of the partners in this service, provides facilities for Psychoeducation activities for students. From this problem, a solution for disaster risk reduction is needed by giving psychoeducation (disaster mental health) and disaster preparedness around general reactions (behavior, emotion, cognition, and physical). Psychoeducation materials will be delivered by the Bosowa University psychology team, also partners in this Service activity. The implementation method of this service program includes mentoring and disaster preparedness training from a psychological perspective. The research method used in this service is experimental with a pretest-posttest design approach. The statistical analysis results showed a difference in student knowledge regarding disaster preparedness before and after participating in psychoeducation with a sig <0.05. This service concludes that the training provided to Athirah Bukit Baruga Islamic Middle School students positively impacts students' disaster preparedness knowledge.</em></p>Hasdinar UmarChairul PaotonanAchmad Yasir Baeda Yasir BaedaSabaruddin Rahman RahmanFuad Mahfud AssidiqFirman HusainNurul NadjmiSitti Hijraini NurRiswal KNovriany AmaliyahMuh. Fitrah Ramadhan UmarNurul MunadiahWhina Sakinah
2024-12-212024-12-217222123210.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.469Pemanfaatan Solar Cell pada Sistem Pertanian Hidroponik Cerdas di Samata Green House Group Indonesia, Kabupaten Gowa
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Hydroponics is a planting technique using water-based nutrient solutions, not through soil media, like conventional farming. This hydroponic system solves the problems arising from soil-based farming that requires plowing and weeding and is susceptible to pests, climate, and the need for large land areas. However, to produce quality soil, the hydroponic system requires monitoring of nutrients, temperature, humidity, water content, pH, and light. Developing a smart hydroponic system or a system based on Artificial Intelligence of Things (IoT) can guarantee these parameters online or in real-time monitoring. The next problem is the need for a continuous and reliable supply of electrical energy so that the built AIoT-based hydroponic system can work optimally. Disruption of electrical continuity will affect the crop yields from this system. Therefore, the Community Service (PkM) activity from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hasanuddin University, conducted socialization of the use of solar cells (solar panels) in the AIoT-based smart hydroponic system, which is a solution to the problem of the continuity of electricity supply at the Samata Green House (SGH) Group, as a partner of the activity, which still fully uses electricity from PLN. Based on the results of quantitative analysis of pre-test (before socialization) and post-test (after socialization) measurements by activity participants, an increase in the level of understanding of participants was obtained, which was initially 11-55% "quite understanding" to "understanding" of the components of the Solar Power Plant (PLTS) system, as well as how to operate and maintain PLTS, to 100% of participants "quite understanding" to "very understanding" regarding these parameters. This indicates that this activity has achieved the expected targets.</em></p>Zaenab MusliminAndani AhmadIntan Sari AreniDewiani .Yusri Syam AkilEjah Umraeni SalamWardi .Muh AnsharFitriyanti MayasariAndini Dani Achmad
2024-12-212024-12-217223324410.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.509Sosialisasi Penyusunan Manual Halal Bagi UMKM Di Kabupaten Gowa
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Mas Dimas Stall and The Dill Restaurant are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that have a restaurant business with various types of food and are famous among students. Both MSMEs want to have a halal logo on their restaurants and also to follow government regulations regarding halal certification, but are constrained by the lack of information circulating in the community so that they have not submitted halal certification to the Halal Guarantee Institution (LPH). Therefore, this community service activity aims to provide and increase knowledge and understanding of MSME actors who will provide information about what steps must be taken by MSME actors to get a halal logo on their business, especially about the documents they must prepare for the preparation of a halal manual which is the initial step for submitting halal certification. The implementation process will begin with the provision of a pre-test then continued with the socialization of the preparation of the halal manual, continued with a discussion and ended with the provision of a post-test. The results of this analysis state that participants' knowledge of the halal manual increased significantly, as can be seen from the results of the pre-test and post-test for the halal theory assessment aspect from 42% to 94%, the systematic preparation of the halal manual from 30% increased to 90% and the report on the preparation of a simple halal manual from 24% to 76%, so it can be stated that this community service activity was successful.</span></em></p>Syarifuddin Mabe ParenrengDwi HandayaniIrwan SetiawanSaiful -Armin DarmawanDiniary Ikasari SyamsulNilda -
2024-12-212024-12-217224525610.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.527Sosialisasi Aplikasi E-learning Bahasa Bugis dengan Fitur Penerjemahan Aksara Lontara di SMPN 2 Pangkajene
<p><em>Preservation of indigenous languages, especially Bugis with Lontara script, is an important challenge in the digital era. In school activities, mastery and learning of local languages are associated with one subject, namely Muatan Lokal. However, the main problem that is often encountered is the use of indigenous languages that are increasingly minimally socialized, thus reducing students' interest and motivation in learning this local language, especially in SMP Negeri 2 Pangkajene Class VII. This community service aims to be a forum for socializing research results in the Department of Informatics and Electrical Engineering, Hasanuddin University in the form of an E-learning application that facilitates interactive learning of Bugis with Lontara script. In addition, this activity is expected to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and technology by providing E-learning tools, in the form of mobile applications, to support learning both at school and at home. The process of introducing this application involves quantitative analysis in the form of an initial survey (pre-test) which includes the user experience (in this case students) when learning Bugis and then ends with a final survey (post-test) and System Usability Scale (SUS) testing to determine the student's experience when using this Bugis language application. The results obtained indicate the formation of Bugis language learning motivation after participants are familiar with this E-learning application with an increase of 52% from 32% less motivated to 84% very motivated. In addition, this Bugis language E-learning application also reached an acceptable level based on SUS with a value of 74.</em></p>Ingrid NurtanioChristoforus YohannesAnugrayani BustaminNovy Nur R A MokobombangIntan Sari AreniZulkifli TahirAdnan AdnanTyanita Puti MarindahAdy Wahyudi PaunduArliyanti NurdinKamtina MusyfirahNur HikmahMahdaniar Mahdaniar
2024-12-212024-12-217225726710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.528Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Teknologi Bioflok Pada Kelompok Usaha Tani di Kelurahan Tarus Kabupaten Kupang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Community Partnership Empowerment program entitled Community Economic Empowerment Based on Biofloc Technology with Green Energy in Farmer Business Groups in Tarus Village, Kupang Regency, was carried out in Kupang Regency in the Manikin Farmer Business Group chaired by Mr. Frengki Foes. Based on field observations and information obtained from farmer partners, the problems of farmers are problems with knowledge about biofloc technology and problems with fisheries' business management, ranging from business organizations to unclear fisheries' business management. Therefore, this activity provides a solution for empowering farmer groups to become productive entrepreneurs. This PKM has a short-term program: 1) Optimizing unproductive home yard land; 2) Increasing knowledge and skills in tilapia cultivation. This PKM program is implemented for 8 (eight) months with 1 (one) PKM partner. The stages of implementing this PKM include the preparation stage for surveys and site reviews, analysis of potential and partner problems, and implementation of PKM activities. The technology applied in this activity is Biofloc technology in tilapia cultivation in round tarpaulin ponds. Biofloc technology in cultivation minimizes the use of artificial feed and is also efficient in water use. The results of the implementation of this PKM produced 2 (two) units of Biofloc tilapia cultivation ponds and increased community knowledge and skills, especially in the Manikin farming group. To determine the success of this PKM, an evaluation was carried out using a comparative causal quantitative method, namely comparing the level of partner understanding of the mastery of biofloc technology, aeration systems, and feed management before and after the activity. The best improvement was in the level of understanding of fish feed management, while assistance was still needed in the other two areas.</span></em></p>Jahirwan Ut JasronWelem Linggi TurupadangDaud Pulo Magesa
2024-12-212024-12-217226827710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.529Pemberdayaan Perempuan Pesisir Pantai Muara Abu Kupang melalui Pelatihan Olah Sampah Plastik Bernilai Ekonomis dan Berdaya Guna
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Waste is anything that is no longer used from all human activities, where, if not managed properly, it can hurt the surrounding community, including waste dumped into water channels such as rivers, which carry the waste to the sea and pollute the sea. Plastic waste is included in it. The amount of this waste continues to increase over time. The use of equipment made of plastic because it is light, unbreakable, flexible, practical, economical, and can replace the function of other items, such as use for drinking water packaging, food containers, and others, encourages increased production of plastic waste. Skills are needed in processing and converting this plastic waste into goods that have economic value and are helpful, especially for residents who live around rivers and coastal areas, including on the coast of Muara Abu Beach, West Oesapa. Therefore, this service aims to provide practical solutions by providing skills to women on the coast of Muara Abu Beach who have a profession as scavengers who join PKH Kasih Dua RT. 001/RW 001, Oesapa Barat Village, Kupang City, to implement waste bank management and plastic waste processing techniques that cannot be deposited into the waste bank, namely with a plastic waste shredder machine, so that residual waste has economic value. The implementation of community service using interview and training methods related to waste bank management and the use of plastic waste shredder machines. The pre-test and post-test results of community service participants showed that 65% of the participant's knowledge of the activity material was an essential reason for the sustainability of similar programs for other community environments. It is hoped that activities like this can provide solutions to problems related to waste around the partner's residence.</span></em></p>Gusnawati GusnawatiJahirwan Ut JasronMuhamad JafriArifin Sanusi
2024-12-212024-12-217227828510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.531Sistem Digitalisasi dalam Upaya Pengembangan Usaha pada Para Peternak pada Koperasi Produsen di Kabupaten Takalar
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The INS Cooperative, which is located in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi Province, has 11 MSMEs that collaborate with this cooperative. However, the low digital literacy of business actors in the INS Cooperative in managing and marketing their products means that the Cooperative's performance is less than optimal. The solution to overcome the problems faced is through modernization in terms of cooperative management to the concept of product marketing. The method used is a website-based information system modeling method and outreach and training to business actors, INS Cooperative managers and local communities who then carry out a survey. The survey was conducted with 11 business actors who are members of the INS Cooperative and 10 managers and communities who are members of the INS Cooperative to measure respondents' responses and to measure the level of success of the service carried out. As many as 76% of respondents initially did not understand the use of the cooperative website, but after socialization and training, 85% showed an increase in understanding of the use of the website. The level of difficulty in accessing information via the website also decreased significantly after the program was completed. The socialization and training carried out as a form of community service succeeded in increasing the digital literacy of business actors, the community and INS Cooperative managers, especially in using websites for cooperative operations. This program is also effective in reducing barriers to information access, significantly supporting the digital transformation of cooperatives.</span></em></p>Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran, S.T., M.ScZahir ZainuddinHaliah ImranHasnawiyah HasanFatmawati Wardihan
2024-12-212024-12-217228629810.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.537Kontribusi Masyarakat terhadap Eksplorasi Bambu sebagai Material Konstruksi Hunian Humanis di Pedesaan
<p><em>Most housing materials are made of manufactured materials so that houses/residences do not give the impression of being one with their environment.</em> <em>The large use of manufactured materials causes building materials that are easily obtained around housing or organizations to no longer be utilized, such as bamboo.</em> <em>Houses in Kalase'rena sub-district predominantly use manufactured materials so that the use of bamboo as a Natural Resource (SDA) is no longer utilized, with the reduced use of bamboo as a housing/residence material, how is the role of the community/its contribution in exploring it as a humanistic housing material.</em> <em>The purpose of this service is to increase the community's contribution to the exploration of natural materials in community housing buildings that can be integrated with their environment, reduce costs and increase the level of community togetherness.</em> <em>The service was carried out by distributing questionnaires, identification and direct meetings with the Kalase'rena sub-district community.</em> <em>The initial response from the community to the use of bamboo as a humanistic housing material was very minimal (2%).</em> <em>This service achievement is that the role and understanding of the community towards the processing of bamboo as a humanistic housing material has increased from the economic (90%) and social (94%) fields.</em> <em>This influences the public's understanding of humanist housing which is very beneficial for the community directly in the Kalase'rena sub-district.</em></p>Imriyanti ImriyantiNasruddin .Pratiwi MusharHartawan .Andi Lolo Sinrang ArisaputraAndika ArsyalReski AmaliaMarzon MaisiMuh. Nurhalim A.
2024-12-212024-12-217229931410.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.522Pelatihan Monitoring & Evaluasi Infrastruktur Daerah Dan Pengawasan Tata Ruang di Kawasan Mamminasata Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis
<p><em>Mamminasata is a metropolitan urban area in Eastern Indonesia. One of the areas in this metropolitan area is Takalar Regency. An effective and efficient method of monitoring and evaluating infrastructure in Takalar Regency is needed. One method that can be done is by monitoring and evaluating infrastructure in the region based on geographic information systems, which are computer-based information systems used to process and store geographic-based data or information. Monitoring and evaluation is done by looking at the number and distribution of infrastructure spatially. The partner in the implementation of this activity is the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing and Settlement Area Office of Takalar Regency. Activities are carried out by providing material and training on the use of Geographic Information Systems in monitoring and evaluating regional infrastructure. Training on monitoring and evaluation of regional infrastructure in the mamminasata region based on geographic information systems aims to increase the capacity of human resources (HR) / civil servants (PNS) in related agencies, especially in the Spatial Planning Division in terms of monitoring and evaluating infrastructure that has been built, as well as more effective and efficient spatial supervision by utilizing Geographic information systems. In conducting monitoring activities, participants were trained to use Arc GIS and Google Earth software. The Google Earth software used is Google Earth software that is run on a smart phone. These two software make monitoring, evaluation, and also supervision easier to do in a large area with limited human resources. From the results of the training, there was a significant increase in the number of participants' knowledge from 16.7% to 100%. </em></p>Gafar LakatupaMimi ArifinWiwik Wahidah OsmanIsfa SastrawatiSri WahyuniSuci Anugrah YantiIrwan .Muhammad IrfanIchsan Caesar PratamaMuh Albab GunawanMuh Reza Prajana
2024-12-212024-12-217231532410.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.556Sosialisasi Area Aktivitas Wisata Pantai Biru Berdasarkan Kontur Batimetri di Kelurahan Tanjung Merdeka Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar
<p><em>The tourist activities at Blue Beach are divided into 3 categories: swimming, water rides and fishing. The implementation of activities in the water poses a risk to tourists, which has the potential to cause accidents and even fatalities. This is due to the lack of segregation of areas for the implementation of the three beach tourism activities, which makes it difficult for tour managers to monitor tourists. For this reason, tour managers will be equipped with knowledge on the importance of dividing beach tourism activity areas based on bathymetric contours and the use of warning flags as safety signs for beach tourism activities. This socialisation can increase the awareness of tourism managers of potential hazards and disasters in the tourist sites they manage, by completing early warning signs of potential hazards of beach tourism activities. This socialisation is done in partnership with community-based tourism managers, namely Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) of Tanjung Merdeka. The increase in knowledge and understanding of the socialisation material among the participants was 44.9 points. The service activity safety sign products were submitted by the service team in the form of a Blue Beach tourism activity map based on bathymetry contours and beach safety warning flags as occupational safety and health-based signs in the Blue Beach tourism area.</em></p>Taufiqur RachmanJuswan JuswanMuhammad Zubair Muis AlieAshury AshuryFirman HusainSuyono Suyono
2024-12-212024-12-217232533510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.546Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Batu Gamping untuk Menurunkan Kadar Zat Besi pada Air Bersih
<p><em>The problem of clean water with high iron content significantly impacts the quality of life of people in Indonesia, including in Mangasa Village, Tamalate District, Makassar. Residents face reddish wells, tap water, and a metallic odor caused by geological factors or old and rusty pipes, which pollute water sources and endanger health. As a solution, Community Service activities by the Geological Engineering Department of Hasanuddin University socialize the use of limestone to reduce iron levels in water. This socialization results from a collaboration between the Community Service team and the capstone design team of geological engineering students at Hasanuddin University in designing clean water filters. The activity began with delivering educational materials regarding water quality problems and the benefits of limestone, accompanied by easy-to-understand visualizations. After a pre-test was conducted to measure initial understanding, the community service team presented and simulated limestone utilization, followed by an interactive question and answer session. Then, a post-test was conducted to evaluate the increase in participants' understanding, which was analyzed to measure the effectiveness of the socialization. The evaluation results showed a significant increase in participants' knowledge of clean water quality, the impact of iron content, and the use of limestone as a filter, which was 72%. This increase reflects the high enthusiasm and motivation of the community in adopting clean water treatment methods.</em></p>Ulva Ria IrvanMeutia FaridaMeinarni ThamrinAdi MaulanaIlham AlimuddinHamid UmarBaso Rezki MaulanaSahabuddin SahabuddinAdi TonggirohMusri Ma'waledaYanny YannyNurjinaan Fakri A. Mallarangeng
2024-12-212024-12-217233634610.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.543Sosialisasi Penggunaan Software SimaPro Untuk Analisis Siklus Hidup dalam Konteks Keberlanjutan Lingkungan
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This community service activity aims to enhance the understanding and skills of the Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) of Pangkep Regency in using SimaPro software for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) within the context of environmental sustainability. Currently, DLH Pangkep faces challenges in conducting environmental impact assessments manually, which require significant human resources, time, and costs. Through the socialization and training of SimaPro usage, this activity aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DLH in assessing the environmental impact of production systems. The implementation methods include needs assessment, activity planning, an opening session, practical training in using SimaPro, discussions and Q&A sessions, as well as evaluation and feedback. The expected outcomes include increased understanding and skills of participants in using SimaPro for LCA, along with scientific publications. This activity is expected to enhance the capacity of DLH Pangkep in conducting more comprehensive and efficient environmental impact assessments, thereby supporting DLH in making more sustainable decisions related to environmental policies in Pangkep Regency. Quantitative analysis of pre-test and post-test results shows a significant improvement in participants' understanding and skills, especially in using SimaPro, with a 191.7% increase. This indicates the success of the training in enhancing DLH Pangkep's competency in environmental impact assessment. </span></em></p>A. Besse Riyani IndahSyamsul BahriKifayah AmarSapta AsmalRosmalina HanafiMuhammad RusmanA. Nurul Izzah HadijahFajriani SaktiMohammad Thezar AfifudinDian Pratiwi Sahar
2024-12-212024-12-217234735910.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.512Sosialisasi Standar dan Prosedur Keselamatan Kapal Ikan bagi Nelayan di PPI Beba Kabupaten Takalar
<p><em>Fishing activities by fishermen in Indonesia have high-risk characteristics known as 3D: dangerous, dirty, and challenging. This Community Service (PkM) activity aims to increase fishermen's knowledge at the Beba Fish Landing Base (PPI), Takalar Regency, regarding safety standards and procedures for fishing boat shipping. Through outreach activities, fishermen are provided information on safety equipment, shipping safety procedures, work safety, and occupational health. The socialization method uses brochure media with an interactive approach for each individual, including pre-test, delivery of material, and post-test to evaluate increased knowledge. The survey results showed that before the socialization, the level of fishermen's knowledge was deficient, with only 13% – 39% of the 23 fishermen understanding safety standards. After socialization, there was a significant increase of 57% – 74% of fishermen showed better understanding (increased 35% – 43%). Based on the results of this PkM activity, ongoing outreach needs to be carried out to increase awareness and implement safety procedures among fishermen to reduce the risk of accidents at sea.</em></p>Wihdat DjafarAbd. Haris DjalanteA. Sitti ChairunnisaMisliah IdrusFadhil Rizki ClausthaldiSyamsul AsriAndi ArdiantiMuhammad Akbar AsisWahyuddin WahyuddinRifkah Fitrah
2024-12-212024-12-217236036710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.533Optimalisasi Edukasi Keuangan: Sosialisasi Gemar Menabung Bagi Generasi Muda Desa Balassuka
<p><em>The program Optimization of Financial Education: Promoting a Saving Habit among the Youth of Balassuka Village aims to enhance financial literacy among elementary and junior high school students. This initiative included delivering educational materials on the importance of saving, conducting creative activities to make piggy banks from recycled materials, and evaluating results through Pre-tests and post-tests. Data analysis revealed a significant improvement in students' understanding, with the average pre-test score of 68 increasing to 85 in the post-test, based on a Paired Sample T-Test with a significance value of < 0.001. These findings indicate the program's success in raising awareness about saving as a positive habit and a fundamental financial management skill. Furthermore, the program highlights the importance of structured financial literacy education as a foundation for preparing the younger generation to face future financial challenges. It is hoped that the program's sustainability will be supported by active roles from parents and teachers in encouraging students to maintain saving habits. This initiative is also expected to inspire similar programs in the future.</em></p>Nurul FajrinaFirman Husain
2024-12-212024-12-217236837710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.538Pemanfaatan Kekayaan Geologi Daerah Wisata Celebes Canyon Desa Libureng Kecamatan Tanete Riaja Kabupaten Barru
<p><em>The development of the tourist area in Celebes Canyon, Libureng Village, Tanete Riaja District, Barru Regency, has enormous potential in utilizing the geological wealth of the area, where the rocks resemble the Grand Canyon in America. Community service activities in Libureng Village aim to provide understanding and socialize the utilization of the geological wealth of Celebes Canyon to the community living around the tourist area, in this case as community service partners, as well as identifying the challenges and opportunities in developing this tourist destination. With an inclusive approach, it is hoped that Celebes Canyon will not only be a tourist attraction, but also provide economic and social benefits to the surrounding community. The method used in this LBE (Laboratory Based Education) community service activity is to conduct observations aimed at obtaining systematic data on the objects to be socialized and continued with socialization activities to the Libureng village community. Based on the results of the observation, it was found that the development of facilities and infrastructure around the tourist attraction needs to be carried out to maintain the geological potential and natural beauty and reduce environmental damage, besides that it is also necessary to always maintain cleanliness around the tourist area. During the socialization activity, a pre-test was conducted on 20 local residents regarding the potential and utilization of geological wealth, as well as the importance of maintaining the environment around the tourist area, the results showed that the level of understanding was in the range of 15% - 42%, but the post-test showed an increase in understanding of 22% - 67%. The importance of cooperation between various stakeholders to create a harmonious partnership in managing tourist attractions; as well as improving the quality of human resources from both managers and local communities is very much needed to support the development of sustainable tourist attractions.</em></p>Haerany SirajuddinHendra PachriA. M. ImranRohaya LangkokeKaharuddin .Sultan .Safri BurhanuddinBahrul .Lidemar HalideDwi Nuraeni A.A. Mifthahul Jannah
2024-12-212024-12-217237838910.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.544Sosialisasi Strategi Kebijakan Perencanaan Wisata Pesisir Berkelanjutan Tanjung Bira dan Lemo-lemo di Dinas Pariwisata, Pemuda dan Olahraga Kab. Bulukumba
<p><em>Bulukumba Regency is one of the regencies that offers diverse natural and cultural potential. The beauty of the beach panorama is one of the attractions in Bulukumba Regency, including located in the Tanjung Bira Beach Area to Lemo-Lemo Beach. The great potential tourism must continue to be preserved and sustainable. Sustainable coastal tourism planning is a concept that emphasizes environmental, economic and social/cultural aspects. Sustainable tourism planning in Bulukumba Regency, especially in the Tanjung Bira and Lemo-lemo tourism areas, must be supported by stakeholders including the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office. The purpose of the implementation of this activity is to provide strategies or directions in ensuring the sustainability of the Tanjung Bira and Lemo-lemo tourist areas with the concept of sustainable coastal tourism planning. The targets of this activity were the Head, Secretary, Staff at the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office as tourism policy makers in Bulukumba Regency. Evaluation was carried out before and after the activity to measure the achievement of the activity by identifying stakeholder knowledge about sustainable coastal tourism planning policies. Activities were carried out through socialization and explanation of research results and policy directions that can be carried out in ensuring the sustainability of tourism in Tanjung Bira and Lemo-lemo, Bulukumba Regency accompanied by visualization in October 2024. The results showed that 50% did not know about sustainable coastal tourism policies, 6.3% answered undecided and 43.8% already knew. After socialization, the results showed that 87.5% already knew and 12.5% still did not understand this policy</em></p>Mukti AliAbdul Rachman RasyidMimi ArifinArifuddin AkilShirly WunasIhsan -Venny Veronica NataliaWiwik Wahidah OsmanSri Aliah EkawatiMarly Valenti PatandiananIsfa SastrawatiYashinta Kumala DewiSri WahyuniMuhammad IrfanGafar LakatupaLaode Muh Asfan MujahidIrwan -Suci Anugrah YantiJayanti Mandasari Andi Munawarah Abduh Mandasari Andi Munawarah AbduhDewa Sagita Alfadin Nur
2024-12-212024-12-217239039710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.534Sosialisasi Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengawasan Rencana Tata Ruang di Kawasan Bantaran Sungai Kota Makassar
<p><em>The supervision of spatial plans should not only be imposed by certain agencies, but involve all elements of society. Community participation in spatial planning supervision has not gone well so far. This is indicated by the lack of community participation in spatial planning supervision, especially in vulnerable areas such as riverbanks. The purpose of this activity is expected to increase community knowledge in spatial planning supervision and is expected to actively participate in the spatial planning supervision agenda. In addition, it is hoped that the level of public awareness can increase so that they can play a direct role in spatial supervision in their area. The target of this activity is the community on the banks of the Tallo River in Makassar City. The activities were carried out through lectures and material exposure and also continued with activity evaluation. Evaluation was carried out before and after the implementation of the activity to determine the level of understanding of the participants and also measure the extent of their involvement in spatial planning supervision. The results of this activity showed an increase in participants' understanding of spatial planning from 86.7% (26 people) to 93.33% (28 people), in addition there was also an increase in the participants' desire to be involved in spatial monitoring activities to 100% (30 people) from 90% (27 people) who had never participated in spatial planning monitoring activities.</em></p>Laode Muh Asfan MujahidArifuddin AkilIhsan .Mukti AliSri Aliah EkawatiMuhammad IrfanMuhammad Rio MirzaRenaldi .
2024-12-212024-12-217239840710.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.548Sosialisasi Penataan Ruang dalam Mendukung Sistem Transportasi Multimoda Sulawesi Selatan
<p><em>The transportation system and land use have a reciprocal relationship. Therefore, the construction of the Trans Sulawesi railway will significantly impact the surrounding land use. Additionally, the introduction of rail-based alternative transportation modes will inevitably influence future demand for the movement of people and goods. Therefore, coordination among various stakeholders is essential to integrate rail-based transportation services and development with spatial planning. The objective of this activity is to conduct outreach to policymakers and implementers to integrate the rail-based transportation system with spatial planning. The research method employed involves participatory socialization and discussions with relevant stakeholders. The output of this activity shows an increase in stakeholder understanding and awareness of the importance of integration between transportation systems and land use. The increase in the number of participants who understand the importance of spatial planning in supporting the South Sulawesi multimodal transportation system increased from 77.52% to 91% after the socialization.</em></p>Venny Veronica NataliaJayanti MandasariAndi Munawarah AbduhMarly Valenti PatandiananAbdul Rachman RasyidDewi Sagita Alfadin NurShirly WunasYashinta Kumala Dewi Sutopo
2024-12-212024-12-217240841510.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.513Sosialisasi Teknik Penyambungan Papan Kulit ke Gading dan Lunas pada Kapal Kayu dengan Rangka Konstruksi Baja
<p><em>The construction of wooden boats for fishermen in South Sulawesi is starting to find it difficult to get high-quality wood, especially for boat hulls. An alternative to wood as a wooden ship hull is steel. The problem of joining or fastening planking boards made of wood with a steel frame is not fully understood by the wooden boat craftsmen in Galesong. For this reason, this activity aims to socialize the binding of planking boards with wooden ship steel frames to the "Patorani" craftsman group in Galesong District, Takalar Regency. The activity was carried out using the lecture method (socialization) and a simple demonstration using a wooden ship model. The results of the activity showed that the members of the craftsman group were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity and hoped that steel could replace wood as a ship construction material. Prior to the activity, almost none of the craftsmen group members had seen and knew that steel could be used as a ship's hull, and at the end of the socialization, they believed that steel could be a substitute for wood as a wooden ship's hull so that the construction and production of wooden ships would continue. Furthermore, it is also seen that members of the craftsman group can understand the technique of installing or fastening planking boards to steel frames.</em></p>Ganding SitepuAndi ArdiantiMuhammad Rizal FirmansyahMisliah .Wihdat DjafarA. H. DjalanteLukman BocharyF. R. ClauthaldiJeferi Matemmu
2024-12-212024-12-217241642110.25042/jurnal_tepat.v7i2.344Transplantasi Coral sebagai Aksi Peduli Lingkungan untuk Pemanfaatan yang Berkelanjutan
<p><em>The existence of coral reefs in Indonesia ranks first in area and type. The total area of coral reefs owned by Indonesia is 14% of the total area of coral reefs in the world. Coral reefs have an important value in life, both in terms of ecology to promising economic value. Therefore, the Department of Marine Engineering in collaboration with partners of the South Sulawesi Provincial Tourism Office held an activity “Coral Transplantation as an Environmental Care Action for sustainable use”. This activity has the aim of providing an understanding of the importance of knowledge about the economic and environmental benefits of coral reefs as a beach / sun tourism attraction for domestic and foreign tourists to visit the province of South Sulawesi, especially on Badi Island in Pangkep Regency (Pangkajene Islands). Coral reefs that have been damaged require a long time to recover, due to the slow growth rate of corals. Therefore, human intervention through various methods and means becomes indispensable to improve and rehabilitate the condition of coral reefs. One rehabilitation technique that has been widely recognized and applied in various parts of the world is coral transplantation. By using lecture and discussion methods, as well as coral reef rehabilitation efforts through the real action of coral transplantation. The results obtained showed that there was an increase in knowledge before and after the community participated in the activity and the degradation of coral reefs that occurred could be restored through transplantation of 500 donor corals. The conclusion of this activity indicates that the presentation of material in the form of lectures and discussions has increased community knowledge, and the real action of coral reef transplantation can increase coral reef colonies as a sustainable use.</em></p>Ashury djJuswan .Taufiqur RachmanDaeng ParokaAchmad Yasir BaedaSabaruddin RahmanHasdinar UmarChairul PaotonanMuh. Zubair AlieFirman HusainFuad Mahfud AssidiqAndi Mega Mustika Nasir