JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat <p>Jurnal TEPAT or Applied Technology for Community Engagement and Services Journal is a journal published by Faculty of Engineering UNHAS. TEPAT JOURNAL is dedicated to accomodate scientific activities which are vocalised on technology applications with the merit to increase the quality of life of people and sociaty.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Faculty of Engineering UNHAS en-US JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat 2654-2781 PKM Pemberdayaan Kelompok Nelayan di Desa Galesong Kota Kabupaten Takalar sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi dan Keselamatan Kerja https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/386 <p><em>Galesong Kota is one of the villages in Galesong District, Takalar Regency. Residents in Galesong Kota Village mostly work as fishermen, every day looking for fish across the sea for their survival. The community implements a capture fisheries system. One of the traditional capture fisheries businesses in Galesong Kota Village is called "Karya Bersama". Fishermen partners in Galesong village earn income from fishing which is still relatively low. The value of the fish caught is sometimes not enough to cover the operational costs and daily living expenses of the family. One of the reasons for the lack of fish catches is that fishing boat engines often suffer damage which causes fishermen to be unable to go out to sea. In addition, the knowledge and skills of partner fishermen regarding boat engine repair and maintenance techniques are still very minimal. In this service the methods used are interviews, socialization, and training held in the village of Galesong Kota. The interview method was carried out to find the main problems, followed by socialization and training methods to increase the knowledge and skills of fishermen to maintain boat engines with the Carbon Cleaner technique. The community's understanding and skills in solving problems increase or increase after the service process. And it is hoped that in the future fishing communities can implement their skills in maintaining and repairing machines independently so as to avoid losses caused by damage to the machine.</em></p> Muhammad Rusydi Alwi Balqis Shintarahayu Fadhil Rizki Clausthaldi Muhammad Fajar Alfira Alfira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 6 2 265 273 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.386 Penerangan Tambak Ikan dengan Panel Surya untuk Kemandirian Energi di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/409 <p><em>Turungan Bontojai Village is one of the areas in Pangkajene and Kepulauan Regency (Pangkep) where the majority of the people work as fish farmers or shrimp farmers. Administratively, this area is Sibatua Village, Pangkajene District. This village is an area close to the sea where infrastructure does not receive much attention, especially the electricity network. The electrical energy crisis experienced by the people of this village area needs a solution. In this community service activity, renewable energy from solar cells have been planned and applied to light the residents' ponds in Turungan Bontojaidengan Village. Lighting application with solar panels that will be placed in one of the residents' ponds as a pilot project for the application of the renewable energy. The community also received training on how to care for the equipment so that the community could independently maintain the sustainability of the program in the future. A 100 wp solar cell with a 432 Wh battery is installed to power 4 unit 7 watt light bulb with an additional DC to AC inverter which can be used to power other electronic equipment. The lights are operated at night for 12 hours with a total power consumption of 336 watts per day. Electronic devices are operated during the day by utilizing direct solar energy which is converted from DC current from solar cells to AC current using a 300 watt inverter. On a daily basis, benefits are obtained in the form of free electricity of 400 watts per day to meet the pond needs of the residents of Turungan Bontojai village. This activity has succeeded in increasing citizens' understanding as seen from the results of data processing with SPSS in the Pre-test and Post-test which shows an increase in understanding with a Mean value of 5.35 (pre-test) to 14.55 (post-test). The success of the activity was measured by a questionnaire on participant satisfaction with the community service activities carried out and the results showed that 90% were satisfied with the implementation of the activity.</em></p> Azwar Hayat Nasruddin Salam Rustan Tarakka Ahmad Yusran Aminy Andi Erwin Eka Putra Luther Sule Hairul Arsyad Novriany Amaliyah Rudi . ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 274 283 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.409 Perancangan Company Profile Sebagai Media Informasi Visual Pada Kelompok UMKM Desa Lampoko Kec. Balusu Kab. Barru https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/427 <p><em>MSMEs are one of the drivers of the economy in Indonesia that can increase people's productivity. However, the problem that most MSMEs experience is in marketing their products. It is still difficult for MSMEs to carry out marketing because they have not maximized visual information media in carrying out marketing activities and expanding networking. This also happened to MSMEs assisted by Lampoko Village, Barru Regency. Several coached MSMEs have not maximized visual information media in carrying out marketing and networking activities. Company profile is a form of visual information media that can be applied to MSMEs so that the business profile of MSMEs can be known and support increased sales. In this service activity, a company profile was designed for the MSME Group assisted by Lampoko Village. The Company Profile is designed to support marketing activities and expand the networking of each MSME. From the results of service activities based on measuring activity achievements, it shows that on average MSMEs understand the function of the company profile and understand the content in it and know how to use the company profile for marketing activities and expanding networking.</em></p> A. Besse Riyani Indah Muhammad Rusman Rosmalina Hanafi Farid Mardin Nurfaidah Tahir Dwi Handayani Dea Calista Triananda Shafira Ikhsan Muhammad Fadel Rum Muhammad Nursaid ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 284 300 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.427 Pengenalan dan Penggunaan Instrumen Pengukuran untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pengujian dan Pemeriksanaan Instalasi Listrik pada Siswa SMK Neg. 4 Kabupaten Gowa https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/417 <p>Sumber daya manusia (SDM) merupakan salah satu penggerak perekonomian, sehingga perkembangan SDM senantiasa dibutuhkan, khususnya peningkatan SDM sejak dini dari tingkat siswa/pelajar. Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) yang sejak awal telah memilih bidang keahlian/keilmuan akan dihadapkan oleh Uji Kompetensi Keahlian (UKK) dan kualifikasi kompetensi sesuai jenis pekerjaan pada bidang keilmuannya. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) oleh Departemen Teknik Elektro, FT Unhas bertujuan untuk memberikan pengenalan dan pemahaman terkait penggunaan instrumen pengukuran untuk mempersiapkan siswa SMK dalam menghadapi UKK dan meningkatkan kualifikasi kompetensi bidang ketenagalistrikan, khususnya pengujian dan pemeriksaan instalasi listrik. Hal ini merupakan solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi pada mitra pengabdian, yaitu SMK Neg. 4 Gowa, dengan keterbatasan instrumen pengukuran. Bentuk kegiatan PkM adalah pelatihan penggunaan instrumen alat ukur tahanan isolasi, tahanan pembumian, <em>Total Harmonic Distortion</em> (THD) dan besaran listrik lainnya, seperti arus, tegangan dan daya. Hasil analisis kuantitatif pengukuran <em>pre-test</em> (sebelum pelatihan) dan <em>post-test</em> (setelah pelatihan) diperoleh kenaikan tingkat pemahaman siswa terkait instrumen pengukuran berkisar 63 – 91% dari cukup paham hingga paham terhadap terhadap topik ini dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelum pelatihan. Parameter pengukuran tahanan isolasi memiliki kenaikan yang cukup signifikan, karena sebelum kegiatan dilakukan, 100% siswa tidak memahami parameter ini, namun setelah dilakukan pelatihan, terjadi peningkatan 65% siswa cukup paham dan 4% siswa paham. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa kegiatan ini telah mencapai sasaran yang telah diharapkan oleh tim</p> Fitriyanti Mayasari Faizal Arya Samman Ansar Suyuti Yusri Syam Akil Dewiani . A. Ejah Umraeni Salam Indar Chaerah Gunadin Muh Anshar Sri Mawar Said Yusran . ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 301 312 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.417 Implementasi Mesin Pencacah Plastik pada Bank Sampah di Maccini Sombala Kota Makassar https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/385 <p><em>The process of recycling plastic waste is one way of processing plastic waste. Plastic waste in the form of plastic bottles and cups has a high selling value when it is recycled. The Paraikatte Rong waste bank in Makassar City has been in the plastic waste processing business for 5 years. This waste bank only collects and sorts plastic waste due to the unavailability of plastic chopping machines that can help the plastic waste recycling process. Therefore, the Community Service Team of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, with the implementation of appropriate technology designed and built a plastic chopping machine for the Paraikatte Rong waste bank. The method used is to conduct training on the use and maintenance of a plastic chopping machine. The purpose of this service is for the waste bank to carry out the recycling process optimally and efficiently so as to increase the economic value of plastic waste. The scissor system for chopping plastic is applied to the chopping machine so that the chopping results are smoother. The chopping machine consists of 3 dynamic blades and 2 static blades which can be adjusted to the density of the blades. This machine has a capacity of 100 kg/hour using a 7.5 hp petrol engine. The success of this community service activity can be seen from the increase in public understanding based on survey results where the total level of understanding/very understanding of the benefits of selecting plastic waste has increased from 35% to 52.6%. The operation of the plastic chopping machine has increased from 55% to 80%. The maintenance of the plastic chopping machine has increased from 53% to 87%.</em></p> Muhammad Syahid Rudi Amme Nasaruddin Salam Wahyu H Piarah Rustan Tarakka Zuriyati Djafar Jalaluddin Jalaluddin Arfandy Arfandy Lukman Kasim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 313 320 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.385 Pelatihan Metode Balancing Statis Propeller Kapal Ikan pada Kelompok Nelayan di Kabupaten Pinrang https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/434 <p><em>The use of engine power in the ship propulsion system makes it easier for traditional fishermen to carry out their activities. On the other hand, modern technology requires basic knowledge to be operated and maintained properly and according to procedures. Incorrect installation of one machine component will of course have an impact on other components which will very detrimental to fishermen, as experienced by fishermen in Ammani Village, Pinrang Regency. The power transmission system from the propulsion engine to the ship's propeller via the shaft is an important component that must be considered. Sufficient understanding of this problem will have a very good impact on its use and service life. Selection and installation of an inappropriate transmission system will result in large vibrations, broken shafts, wear of bearings and clutches and can even damage the drive engine which is the most expensive component in the transmission system. In this activity, training was held on one of the problems often experienced by fishermen in Ammani Village, Pinrang Regency, namely propeller imbalance after undergoing a repair process. The series of activities consisted of presenting material about machinery transmission systems, propeller characteristics and propeller balancing demonstrations. Of the 20 (twenty) participants, there was an increase of 25% who answered understanding of power transmission systems, 20% increased in understanding of propeller characteristics and 45% increased in understanding of propeller static balancing methods after the activity was completed. By holding this activity, it is hoped that the fishermen participating in the training will understand and be able to carry out the static balancing process independently on the propeller before installing it. This will certainly provide a slight reduction in transmission system maintenance costs because the service life of the components is relatively longer.</em></p> Muhammad Iqbal Nikmatullah Syerly Klara Andi Haris Muhammad Faisal Mahmuddin Rahimuddin . Hasnawiyah Hasan Mansyur Hasbullah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 321 327 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.434 Penerapan Game untuk Belajar Matematika Menyenangkan di Panti Asuhan Al-Khaerat Makassar https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/414 <p><em>Mathematics</em><em> is one of the important subjects in the educational curriculum, but it is often considered difficult and boring by some children. This can be an obstacle in their learning process and academic development. Therefore, in an effort to help increase interest and achievement in learning mathematics and develop children's potential and talents, we as a service team from the Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University feel the need to contribute by holding mathematics game socialization activities at Al-Khaerat Makassar Orphanage. The community service carried out at the Al-Khaerat Makassar Orphanage aims to provide new insights for students related to digital learning methods and materials within the scope of mathematics learning with a fun and interactive approach, it is hoped that students can feel more interested and enthusiastic in learning mathematics. The implementation of community service is divided into two stages, namely the socialization stage of learning methods by utilizing technology, in this case smartphones and the training stage of using mathematical educational game applications. The results of the analysis through pre-test and post-test questionnaires show that the use of the Mathology Game application has a significant impact on students mathematics learning in three main aspects, namely: comfort, easy, and understanding of the material.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Indrabayu . Elly Warni Ingrid Nurtanio Chystoporus Yohannes A.Ais Prayogi Alimuddin Anugrahyani Bustamin Intan Sari Areni Zaenab Muslimin Mukarramah Yusuf Novy Nur R.A Mokobombang Winati Mutmainnah Nurdin Siti Nur Anisah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 328 335 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.414 Penguatan Skill Menganalisis Batuan Melalui Pelatihan Petrologi dan Petrografi bagi Siswa SMK Jurusan Teknik Geologi dan Pertambangan Kota Makassar https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/423 <p><em>Over the last 2 decades, the need for the application of geosciences has become increasingly in society, geological natural disasters have made various levels of society aware of the importance of knowledge and understanding of the geological conditions of the Indonesian Archipelago. One of the impacts is the increasing number of vocational schools and universities providing earth education. Therefore, a curriculum that includes "Earth Science" as part of its subjects is needed. Vocational High School (SMK) Applied Techno Aviation, Department of Geological and Mining Engineering, Makassar City produces employees who are ready to be deployed in the field to work as technicians, so adequate skills are required in rock identification. Therefore, this training aims to improve students' skills as initial in improving the quality of their introduction to minerals and rocks. The results of this training show a positive trend in student test results by 5% - 27% improving and strengthening student skills, especially in petrology and petrography, is necessary to develop student quality.</em></p> Meutia Farida Ulva Ria Irfan Adi Maulana Haerany Sirajuddin Ilham Alimuddin Hamid Umar Meinarni Thamrin Sahabuddin . Maulana . Nur Ikhwana Suryawan Asfar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 336 343 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.423 Implementasi Perencanaan Konstruksi Knock Down pada Bantilang Pengolah Batu Bata (Kelurahan Tamallayang Kecamatan Bontonompo Kabupaten Gowa) https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/413 <p><em>Bantilang is a container that functions as a place for processing activities in producing bricks. The current form of Bantilang in Tamllayang Subdistrict is very simple, made at will, so that Bantilang cannot accommodate all processing activities. Bantilang's condition also did not last long, often experiencing damage due to strong winds and heavy rain.</em> <em>With the problems experienced by brick processors, a new Bantilang plan is needed to accommodate their needs in their activities as brick processors. The Knock Down form of Bantilang planning aims to provide a sense of security, comfort and increase brick production so that there will be an economic increase for the village community in Tamallayang sub-district. The Knock Down form is a form of disassembly that is applied to Bantilang planning. This is done to make brick processing land/yard more efficient and effective because processing activities are only carried out during the dry season. The number of brick processors in this sub-district is 88 families representing 1 person. The improvements achieved from this service activity are that 52% of brick processing activities can be accommodated, 43% of the Knock Down form is more effective, 58% of materials can be maintained, 60.23% of materials are not easily damaged by weather, 55.68% are practical for the land and 62</em> <em>.50% provides a sense of security and comfort</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Imriyanti . Nasruddin . Pratiwi M Hartawan . Andi L S A Nurul S Difat S P Rada I ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 344 360 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.413 Desain Terminal Transportasi Sungai Kecil sebagai Penunjang Aktivitas Warga di Pemukiman Pinggir Sungai Desa Lompulle Kabupaten Soppeng https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/444 <p><em>This article discusses the importance of developing transportation infrastructure on the banks of the river to support the activities of residents in riverside settlements in the context of utilizing the river as an alternative mode of transportation in addition to land transportation modes. The design of river transportation terminals can be a solution to support the activities of residents living in riverside settlements in the context of empowerment in addition to strengthening the local identity of the riverside area. The purpose of this Community Service is to increase the economic empowerment of the community, especially the people who live on the side of the Walanae River, Lompulle Village, Ganra District, Soppeng Regency through the use of the Walanae River as a means of water transportation in order to facilitate the movement and movement of goods through the river to become a link to several areas which are the Walanae Watershed (DAS). The utilization of the river can be optimized not only through the use of the river as an alternative means of transportation, but also as a water tourism object which in the end is expected to create new livelihoods for the community from the tourism aspect through the provision of souvenirs and the use of residents' homes as homestays as supporting regional tourism in a broader context.The method of implementing activities formulated by the Community Service Team of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University starts from field observation activities followed by analyzing the potential and existing problems related to the River Transportation Terminal development plan at the service location. The results of the implementation of the activity showed enthusiasm, as well as a significant level of understanding and acceptance with a significance figure of 6</em><em>2,16</em><em>% from </em><em>18,92</em><em>% before the activity to </em><em>81,08</em><em>%</em> <em>after the implementation of&nbsp;the&nbsp;activity.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Samsuddin Amin Nurmaida Amri Idawarni . M. Yahya Edward Syarif Nurul Nadjmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 361 372 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.444 Pengenalan Integrasi Budaya dan Matematika Melalui Media Edukasi 3D Puzzle Bola Ugi’ https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/407 <p><em>Mathematics often becomes a less favored subject among elementary school students, including those at Inpres Borongrappo Elementary School in Gowa Regency, which is our partner in this Community Service activity. To address this issue, we have innovated by introducing an engaging learning medium in the form of a 3D miniature puzzle Bola Ugi’ implemented using the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) method. This educational program aims not only to enhance students' curiosity and creativity but also to sharpen their motor coordination skills. The educational program primarily focuses on creating two-dimensional shapes from cardboard, calculating the volume of three-dimensional objects, and exploring the cultural significance of 'mappatettong bola' and 'mappalette bola.' Additionally, students assemble and color the 3D puzzle Bola Ugi’. The evaluation of activities in the form of a questionnaire to determine students' interest in learning mathematics and becoming acquainted with culture, as well as test models to determine students' level of understanding of mathematics and culture, which are administered before (pre-test) and after (pre-test) the educational program, respectively. The questionnaire results revealed that 16 students were more excited about learning mathematics and 15 students were more enthusiastic about learning about culture. Meanwhile, the exam results reveal a considerable increase in the number of correct responses in each question, indicating that the instruction increased pupils' comprehension of mathematics and culture. The educational program employing the 3D puzzle Bola Ugi’ as learning method significantly enhances motivation and comprehension of mathematics, as evidenced by the improved test scores and questionnaire responses.</em></p> Ahmad Yusuf Suandi Ummu Qalsum Putri Akhmad Nurjannah . Nurlatifah Lubis Muh. Reza Eka Yudha Intan Sari Areni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 373 383 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.407 Sistem Informasi dan Manajemen Desa Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Ekonomi Daerah dan Produktivitas Masyarakat https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/441 <p><em>Indonesia is an archipelago with most of its territory in rural areas that have a lot of potential to develop, including its natural potential, cultural potential, and community potential. These potentials can be developed to improve the regional economy and ideal productivity. Of course, infrastructure such as IT and communication facilities and human resources must support this. Ekatiro Village, located in Bontotiro District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, is one of the villages that has natural and cultural tourism potential that can be improved by utilizing technology. The method used to obtain information on the tourism and cultural potential of Ekatiro Village is a case study and data analysis. Starting from document searches, surveys and interviews of UMKM actors, and documentation of tourist destinations. This document search was carried out together with Ekatiro Village officials and the search for potential tourist destinations was carried out by direct search in the Ekatiro Village area. The results of the discussion showed that there is a lot of potential to improve the regional economy with the use of this village information and management system. Furthermore, the website of Ekatiro Village was created using PHP, Javascript, Laravel, and CSS programming languages. Keywords: Information Systems; Local UMKM; Regional Economy; Tourist Destinations; Utilization of Technology. As well as socialization and training on the use of website information systems so that participants get a lot of convenience in terms of accessing the Ekatiro Village information system. One of the objectives of creating an information and management system for Ekatiro Village is to improve the welfare of the village community, empower partner village communities to be more productive, and apply digital information technology to services and general information on tourism and local UMKM.</em></p> Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Zahir Zainuddin Haliah Imran Hasnawiya Hasan Imran Oemar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 384 395 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.441 Bimbingan Teknis dan Pendalaman Materi Berbasis Coaching Clinic dalam Penyusunan RAB Sesuai PERMEN Bidang Bina Marga, Cipta Karya, dan Sumber Daya Air Se-Kabupaten Maros https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/446 <p><em>The National Community Empowerment Program's village and sub-district officials who oversee development financing must execute Technical Guidance in the context of creating a Draft Cost Budget for the construction of Highways, Civil Works, and Water Resources. To help the Construction Development Institute teach and provide technical advised to all village fund managers so they can stay on task and prevent the misuse of state financial management, academics are needed. The purpose of this activity is to provide understanding to village and sub-district officials so that they prioritize planning activities, budget calculations, material needs to implementation in accordance with quality standards and good accountability. All officials throughout Maros Regency are invited to attend or send their envoys as Technical Guidance participants. Subsequently, a coaching clinic method was implemented, wherein the Construction Cost Estimate (RAB) was prepared in an intense manner to maximize training outcomes right away. This method allows us to directly examine participants' comprehension of AHSP and RAB compilation, as well as directly rectify the way participants begin calculating. From the post-test results, data on the understanding of village staff on AHSP has reached 73% and understanding in preparing the RAB has exceeded 60%.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Technical Guidance, National Community Empowerment Program's, AHSP, RAB compilation, coaching clinic.</em></p> Sitti Hijraini Nur Silman Pongmada Muhammad Akbar Caronge Riswal K Muh. Asad Abdurrahman A. Arwin Amiruddin Sakti Adji Adisasmita Hasdinar Umar Rahmi Amin Ishak ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 396 404 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.446 Sosialisasi Sistem Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik di Kelurahan Tallo https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/445 <p><em>The urban slum problems are always be a complex issues in environmental physics, economic, social, and also the facilities and infrastructure itself. In general, the slum areas are not suitable to live in because basic facilities and amenities are not available in the residential environment. The aim of this Community Service activity is to increased community knowledge and understand regarding domestic wastewater management system. The method used to the goal is by implementing socialization activities in one of the areas that belong to the slum category. Implementation of the Activities at the office of Kelurahan Tallo, attended by twenty-five participants. The enthusiasm of the participants in taking part in socialization activities is high, it is evident from the seriousness in receiving material and the desire to ask questions as well as sharing information about the management of wastewater in the Tallo Village. The level of public understanding of the socialization material has increased from 4% – 12% to 16% - 72%. With the increase in public knowledge and understanding is expected to increase also the motivation to participate in environmental conservation efforts, especially those related to the sustainability of the aquatic environment.</em></p> Roslinda Ibrahim Sumarni Hamid Ali Achmad Zubair Muralia Hustim Asiyanti Tabran Lando Kartika Sari Nur An-nisa Putri Mangarengi Nurjannah Oktorina Abdullah Annisa Dwi Damayanti Zarah Arwieny Hanami ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 405 413 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.445 Socialization of Halal Materials, Products, Processes and Facilities for Canteens within the Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/439 <p><strong><em>The year 2015 is an important point for businesses, especially in the food and beverage sector, in order to prepare materials, products, processes and facilities that are clean, healthy and safe and halal for public consumption. SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are required to be more active in improving the quality of their products and services because of the implementation of the AEC (Asian Economic Community). Islam is known to be the fastest growing religion in this decade. In 2010 the number of Muslims in the world reached 1.6 billion and is expected to reach 2.2 billion by 2030 (Pew Research Center, 2011). </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>The increase in demand for the world halal market has reached US$2.3 trillion annually where halal food products alone have recorded US$693 billion (MITI, 2012). For this reason, halal certification is needed. Halal certification is a process for obtaining a halal certificate through several stages of examination to prove that the ingredients, production process, and halal assurance system meet the standards of the Indonesian Ulema Council's Food, Drug and Cosmetic Assessment Institute (LPPOM MUI). The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge in the form of insight and understanding of halal toyiban ingredients, products, processes and facilities and assistance on the importance of halal certification to canteen owners in the environment around the Faculty of Engineering Unhas, Bontomarannu Gowa.</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>The methods used in this socialization are; by conducting open meetings between partners and the academic community involved, then continued by listening to inspiration and discussion with the head of the halal assurance institution (LPH) or the Halal Assurance Center (PPH) Hasanuddin University.&nbsp; This socialization activity begins by giving a pre-tes to business actors to find out their initial knowledge of Halal, then at the end of the meeting a post-tes is conducted again in order to get an increase in knowledge and information and insights of business actors regarding this Halal. The results in the correct answer in the pre tes were 33% correct and in the post tes there were 67% who answered correctly. While in the wrong answer 76% were seen in the pre tes and 24% were seen wrong in the post tes. The results of socialization activities are an increase in knowledge and understanding of business actors regarding halal ingredients, products, processes, facilities due to their motivation and enthusiasm to know more about this halal product. These SMEs are already aware and understand to have halal certification, which can be used for the progress of their SME business.</em></strong></p> Irwan Setiawan Muthalib Saiful Mengenre Sapta Asmal Syarifuddin M.Parenreng Kifayah Amar Heri Bagio W Nurul . Ika Setyaningrum A.ST. Hajar Melani Maula Sidi M ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 414 424 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.439 Perawatan Sistem Poros Baling-Baling Kapal Ikan pada Kelompok Nelayan “Perahu Layar” Desa Mattito Tasi, Mattiro Sompe, Kabupaten Pinrang https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/432 <p><em>The Fishing boats in Pinrang district have begun to be equipped with engine-powered propulsion machines (motors). In terms of impact, the motorization of fishing boats has had a significant effect on the income level of fishermen, as seen from the increase in income and productivity of fishermen's catches. The motorization of the boat has facilitated fishing, accelerated reaching the fishing ground, and expanded the range of fishing areas. The use of a propeller shaft system on a fishing boat almost never takes into account the loading factor when the shaft is used. As a result, it is not uncommon for fishermen to then experience problems such as sudden engine failure or broken shafts in the middle of the sea. The things described above are common problems encountered and are very basic to immediately take counseling action through PPM LBE - Collaboration 2023 activities. The condition of the ship's propeller shaft system that is not maintained, in addition to being prone to ship safety, also causes the operation of the ship to be no longer efficient because it is wasteful in the use of fuel so that it is not feasible in terms of the propriety of ship operations.</em></p> Baharuddin - Baharuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 425 435 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.432 Sosialisasi Penerapan Teknologi Monitoring Tanaman Hidroponik di PPMI Shohwatul Is'ad Kabupaten Pangkep https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/428 <p><em>Hydroponic plant cultivation refers to a method of cultivating plants that eliminates the use of soil as a growth medium. The present system possesses several notable benefits, including its ability to operate within a limited land area and the superior performance of hydroponic cultivation compared to conventional growing methods. This approach aligns with the concepts of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 2, which aims to ensure global food security. This public service aims to provide an Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled hydroponic production system that utilizes computer vision technology to regulate the provision of nutrients to plants based on their development rate. This technique is applicable to those in the general population who possess restricted land resources. Further, we aim to engage in community socialization around the hydroponic system while also offering insights into the newest advancements in information system technology applicable to hydroponics. We facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills within the community as a whole, with a specific focus on the students at PPMI Shohwatul Is'ad to equip them with the necessary expertise to effectively implement hydroponic plants and the latest information system technology for the purpose of monitoring.</em></p> Zulkifli Tahir Amil Ahmad Ilham Muhammad Niswar Adnan Adnan Zahir Zainuddin Ady Wahyudi Paundu Wardi Wardi Iqra Aswad Muhammad Alief Fahdal Imran Oemar Tyanita Puti Marindah Wardhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 436 443 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.428 Pelatihan Pembuatan Database Geologi Melalui Aplikasi Surpac Bagi Siswa Jurusan Geologi Pertambangan SMK Penerbangan Techno Terapan Makassar https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/426 <p><em>The creation of a geological database is the initial stage in the mineral estimation process. In this stage, the management and verification of exploration data in the form of borehole data is carried out using a software, one of which is Surpac. Surpac is quite flexible and efficient in meeting the needs of each commodity and mining method. One of the Vocational High Schools that teaches Mining Geology expertise is SMK Penerbangan Techno Terapan Makassar. The curriculum structure of this field consists of general subject groups and vocational subject groups. According to the Regulation of the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number: 07/D.D5/Kk/2018 concerning the Curriculum Structure of Vocational High Schools (SMK)/Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK), exploration techniques and mining techniques have the largest proportion in the curriculum structure. This competency requires students to know the characteristics and types of data in exploration activities and the use of technology such as computer programs. Limited access to Surpac software for geological database creation by students of SMK Penerbangan Techno Terapan Makassar causes a lack of knowledge in creating geological databases using Surpac software. The importance of creating a geological database for students of SMK Penerbangan Techno Terapan Makassar is used as a basis by the Department of Mining Engineering through the Laboratory Based Education (LBE) Collaboration program to conduct training on creating a geological database using Geovia Surpac software. The targeted aspect of the training is to increase students' knowledge about the importance of creating a database before estimating as well as introducing the Surpac application. In addition to achieving the target, the service team will later conduct lecture-based training directly to practice the geological database creation tutorial. This training activity also contains the delivery of initial material as well as giving pretests and posttests to measure the extent of students' understanding of database creation and also the Surpac application. The conclusion of this service is that the service carried out can be said to be successful because the results of the pretest and posttest conducted have significant differences where after being given material and also making tutorials, students understand more about the material and also the creation of the database both in terms of quality and quantity of the number of students who answer posttest questions. Based on this, it is recommended to make further training related to software that is often used in the mining world so that it can be a provision for students to enter the world of work. </em></p> Irzal - Nur Muhammad Ramli Aryanti Virtanti Anas Rini Novrianti Sutardjo Tui Rizki Amalia M. Fadhil Fajar A M. Alfian Lasefeati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 6 2 444 456 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.426 Sosialisasi Perencanaan Sumur Resapan Kecamatan Biringkanaya https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/447 <p><em>When there is a population increase within an area, it will be coincided with housing needs. The demand of residential area sometimes requires land conversion from various previous uses such as rice fields, swamps,&nbsp; and other rain catchment areas. This shift in land functions causes several problems, such as flooding in the rainy season, drought in the dry season, and other environmental problems, including the increasing household waste. This community service is conducted to socialize the planning of infiltration wells in Biringkanaya District. Mainly, this community service aims to increase the community's awareness regarding perodical flood disasters and surface water shortages around the area. Besides that, this community service also aims to socialize the use of infiltration wells as an attempt to manage water around the activity location. Several steps have been taken in order to achieve those goals. Those steps are surveying field conditions, taking out questionnaires, and public disseminating to the community and other stakeholders. The field survey shows that the flood occurs because the discharge of runoff water that falls into the rain catchment area is much greater than the discharge of runoff that comes out. Based on the analysis, planning and designing infiltration wells are imperative to accumulate ground water. After the dissemination, the level of public understanding of surface water conditions and the function of infiltration wells is increasing. The community provides input regarding planning for infiltration wells that can be utilized to manage household waste.</em></p> Purwanto Purwanto Muhammad Ramli Irzal Nur Sufriadin . Aryanti Virtanti Anas Sri Widodo Rini Novrianti S. Tui Rizki Amalia Asta Arjunoarwan Hatta ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 6 2 457 469 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.447 Sosialisasi Geohazard Pesisir dan Lautan Kawasan Wisata Pesisir Kota Makassar https://eng.unhas.ac.id/tepat/index.php/Jurnal_Tepat/article/view/451 <p><em>Coastal and marine geohazard threats can occur in coastal tourism areas in Makassar City. Several coastal tourism sites in Makassar City are managed by the community, namely by the Tanjung Merdeka Community Empowerment Agency (LPM) and acts as a partner for socialisation activities. Tourism managers are still ignorant of the potential for coastal and marine geohazards, such as the lack of information on geohazard signs and the potential for accidents that lead to disasters for tourism visitors. Socialisation of coastal and marine geohazards in Makassar City's coastal tourism areas has been carried out with an increase in the average knowledge of participants by 45.3%. The increase in partner knowledge includes awareness, preparedness, and disaster response attitudes about coastal and marine geohazard phenomena in coastal tourism activities, which can ultimately encourage and realise partners as community-based tourism managers who implement early warning of disaster risk and </em><em>occupational</em><em> safety. Strengthening partners is realised by handing over coastal and ocean geohazard signs as an early warning of disasters that can occur at tourist sites.</em></p> Taufiqur Rachman Juswan . Daeng Paroka Achmad Yasir Baeda Sabaruddin Rahman Chairul Paotonan Hasdinar Umar Muhammad Zubair Muis Alie Ashury . Firman Husain Fuad Mahfud Assidiq ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 6 2 470 478 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v6i2.451