Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Ir. A. M. Imran

Nama Lengkap Prof. Dr. Rer. Nat. Ir.. A. M. Imran
NIDN / NIP 196306051989031005
Jabatan Akademik Professor
Bidang Keahlian Carbonate Petrology

Data Pendukung

Kode Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah SKS Semester Aksi
23D06110103 Geologi Dasar 3 1 Detail
23D06120103 Sedimentologi 3 3 Detail
23D06132802 Geologi Kuarter 2 6 Detail
23D06131802 Batuan Karbonat 2 6 Detail

Judul Publikasi Vol/No/Tahun Jurnal
1. Lithogenic and Antropogenic in Surface Sediment From Outlet of Tempe Lake, South Sulawesi 279/12030/2020 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2. Olistostrome and its implications to geological disaster on coastal area with special reference to the Bantimala tectonic complex, Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi Province 235/12043/2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.
3. Correlation of total sulfur content to the percentage of pyrite content by microscopy in Mallawa formation coal, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia 575/12169/2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci.
4. The influence of intrusion on change characteristic of coal in Mallawa Formation of South Sulawesi Province 0/0/2021 IOP Publishing

Judul Penelitian Tahun

Judul Pengabdian Tahun
Sosialisasi Potensi Bahaya Geologi Dan Mitigasinya Di Kecamatan Herlang Kabupaten Bulukumba Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2023