Dr.Eng. Meutia Farida, ST., MT

Nama Lengkap Dr.Eng.. Meutia Farida, ST., MT
NIDN / NIP 197310032000122001
Jabatan Akademik Associate Professor
Email meutia_farida03@yahoo.com
Bidang Keahlian Paleoenvironment

Data Pendukung

Kode Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah SKS Semester Aksi
23D06120103 Sedimentologi 3 3 Detail
23D06131602 Paleogeografi dan Paleoseanografi 2 5 Detail
23D06132802 Geologi Kuarter 2 6 Detail
23D06131802 Batuan Karbonat 2 6 Detail
23D06120303 Paleontologi 3 2 Detail
23D06120503 Mikropaleontologi 3 3 Detail

Judul Publikasi Vol/No/Tahun Jurnal
1. Collapse of the sea surface stability during the Miocene to Quaternary in the Western Pacific Ocean, indicated by Discoaster abundance and Coccolith size change 0/0/2013 AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
2. Paleotemperature of Middle Eocene Tonasa Limestone based on Foraminifera at Palakka Area South Sulawesi 0/0/2014 International Journal of Engineering and Science Applications
3. Neogene Reef Development in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi 0/0/2014 Celebes International Conference on Earth Science
4. Lingkungan Pengendapan Purba Satuan Napal Formasi Tonasa Berdasarkan Kandungan Foraminifera Bentonik, Studi Kasus: Sungai Camming dan Sungai Palakka Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 0/0/2014 Jurnal Penelitian GEOSAINS
5. Evidence for eutrophication in the northwestern Pacific and Eastern Indian Oceans during the Miocene to Pleistocene based on the nannofossil accumulation rate, Discoaster abundance, and coccolith size distribution of Reticulofenestra 0/0/2015 Marine Micropaleontology (ELSEVIER)
6. "Paleoclimate prediction based on Discoaster occurrence in Walanae Sandstone of South Sulawesi (IOP Conference Series:Earth andEnvironmental Science 875/0/2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.
7. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Tonasa Formation Palakka area, South Sulawesi: implication of paleoenvironmental application 619/1/2020 IOP Confrence Series: Mayerial Science and Engineering
8. Planktonic foraminifera distribution as paleoclimate approach (Case study: Tonasa formation at the Barru River, South Sulawesi) 2543/0/2020 AIP Conference Proceedings
9. Analisis Spasial Tekstur Tanah Terhadap Penilaian Risiko Bencana Hidrometeorologi di Kecamatan Rumbia-Kelara, Kabupaten Jeneponto 0/0/2022 Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan, Hal. 42 – 54, Universitas Diponegoro
10. Identifying the calcareous nannofossils from the Tonasa limestone of the Karama traverse, Jeneponto area, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 0/0/2022 AIP Conference Proceedings, 050001 (2022)
11. Planktonic foraminifera distribution as paleoclimate approach (Case study: Tonasa formation at the Barru River, South Sulawesi) 0/0/2022 AIP Conference Proceedings, 050001 (2022)
12. Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of Tonasa Formation at Barru River Traverse, South Sulawesi, Indonesia 0/0/2022 Indonesia Journal on Geoscience (IJOG), p. 371 - 381
13. Studi Iklim Purba pada Formasi Tonasa Beradasrkan Foraminifera Planktonik Lintasan Sungai Palakka dan Karama B, Sulawesi Selatan 0/0/2022 Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika

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