Dr.Eng. Ir. Faisal Mahmuddin, ST.,M.Inf.Tech.,M.Eng, IPM

Nama Lengkap Detail Dosen
NIDN / NIP 0011028101 / 198102112005011003
Jabatan Akademik Lektor
Email f.mahmuddin@eng.unhas.ac.id
Bidang Keahlian Hidrodinamika dan Energi Terbarukan

Data Pendukung

Kode Mata Kuliah Mata Kuliah SKS Semester
01020304 Energi Laut Terbarukan 3 3
21D09120102 Matematika Teknik I 2 3
18H04110742 Wawasan Budaya Maritim dan IPTEKS 2 1
21D09130902 Statistik Teknik 2 2
21D09120802 Komputasi dan Pemrograman 2 4
21D09141602 Teknik Eks. Kelautan 2 7
23D09110502 Fisika Teknik 2 2
23D09142002 Metode dan Analisa Numerik 2 7
23D09141902 Metode Optimasi 2 6
23D09120502 Energi laut Terbarukan 2 3

Judul Publikasi Vol/No/Tahun Jurnal
1. Development of an optimal floating breakwater by numerical computation method 0/0/2009 JASNAOE Meeting Proceeding
2. Design Optimization and Performance Evaluation of a Floating Breakwater 0/0/2012 -
3. Design optimization of a 2D asymmetric floating breakwater by genetic algorithm 0/0/2012 The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
4. Design Optimization of a Floating Breakwater 0/0/2012 Osaka University
5. Numerical analysis of a 3D floating breakwater performance 0/0/2012 The Twenty-second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
6. Ocean wind energy potential and analysis at eastern Indonesia 8/0/2014 Proceeding JASNAOE Spring Conference
7. Performance Evaluation of an Optimized Floating Breakwater in Oblique Waves with a Higher-Order Boundary Element Method 18/1/2014 Makara Journal of Technology
8. Mapping Ocean Wind Energy Potential around Sulawesi and Maluku Islands 0/0/2014 International Conference on Ship and Offshore Technology
9. Realistic Design of a Floating Breakwater Design with Moonpools 69/7/2014 Jurnal Teknologi
10. Application of Genetic Algorithm for Determining the Optimum Ship Route 0/0/2015 ISMM Proceeding
11. Analysis of ocean wind energy density around Sulawesi and Maluku Islands with scatterometer data 65/0/2015 Energy Procedia
12. Analysis of Wind Energy Potential with a Mobile Floating Structure around Sulawesi and Maluku Islands of Indonesia 56574/0/2015 Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
13. Comparison of Remotely Sensed Wind Data over Sulawesi and Maluku Islands Sea Areas 0/0/2016 KnE Engineering
14. Motions Analysis of a Phinisi Ship Hull with New Strip Method 2/1/2016 International Journal of Engineering and Science Applications
15. The Effect of Flat Plate Theory Assumption in Post-Stall Lift and Drag Coefficients Extrapolation with Viterna Method 6/0/2016 Science and Engineering
16. Simulasi Numerik dan free running model test desain peletakan propeller ganda asimetrik kapal perikanan 30 GT 2/0/2016 Prosiding 2016 Seminar ilmiah nasional sains dan teknologi
17. Airfoil lift and drag extrapolation with viterna and montgomerie methods 105/0/2017 Energy Procedia
18. On the Use of an Arduino-based Controller to Control the Charging Process of a Wind Turbine 1814/1/2017 AIP Conference Proceedings
19. Rotor blade performance analysis with blade element momentum theory 105/0/2017 Energy Procedia
20. Numerical study of a permanent magnet linear generator for ship motion energy conversion 1814/0/2017 AIP Conference Proceedings
21. Konsep desain torsi konverter pada perahu motor cepat 3/0/2017 Prosiding 17th seminar nasional sains dan teknologi
22. Analysis of Loading Change Effect to Boat Velocity on a 2.5GT Fishing FRP Boat with a Field Test 2/1/2018 SPECTA Journal of Technology
23. Prediksi capaian kecepatan kapal terhadap daya mesin utama tugboat pada variasi beban muatan tongkang 0/0/2018 Prosiding seminar ilmiah nasional sains dan teknologi
24. Kebutuhan Listrik untuk Keadaan Darurat pada Kapal Ferry Ro-Ro KMP. Tuna 600 GRT 23/1/2019 Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring
25. Prediction of Propeller Performance Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach 2/2/2019 EPI International Journal of Engineering
26. Studi Performa Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) Sebagai Pembangkit Energi Listrik pada Floating Platform 0/0/2019 SENSISTEK: Riset Sains dan Teknologi Kelautan
27. Performance Comparison Between Ellipse and Circular Intake Shapes of Propeller Flow Cooling System (PFCS) with Numerical and Experimental Methods 676/1/2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
28. Bimbingan Aplikasi Sistem Hibrid Genset dan Photovoltaic pada Masyarakat Nelayan di Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang 2/2/2019 JURNAL TEPAT: Applied Technology Journal for Community Engagement and Services
29. Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Rekayasa Desain Dimensi Daun Kemudi Kapal Kayu di Kecamatan Bontobahari Kabupaten Bulukumba 2/2/2019 JURNAL TEPAT: Applied Technology Journal for Community Engagement and Services
30. CFD Prediction of B-Series Propeller Performance in Open Water 12/2/2020 CFD Letter
31. "Effect of Different Stern Flap Position and Size as an Energy Saving Device (ESD) for Increasing Fishing Boat Speed" 875/1/2020 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
32. The Performance of Single and Double Intake Designs of Propeller Flow Cooling System (PFCS) 875/1/2020 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
33. An investigation of strength degradation due to thickness plate reduction on Ferry Ro-Ro Ship’s Hull 921/0/2020 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
34. Economic Feasibility of a Small-Scale Wind Turbine in Coastal Area of South Sulawesi 921/0/2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
35. Development of Real-Time Monitoring System for an Off-Grid Photovoltaic System 921/0/2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
36. Bilge System Design on 500 GT Ferry for Bulukumba–Selayar Route 921/0/2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
37. Optimization Modelling of a Catamaran Hull Form towards Reducing Ship’s Total Resistance 14/4/2022 CFD Letters
38. Sistem Monitoring Energi Surya Jarak Jauh 26/2/2022 Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring
39. Simulation of lighting system in the accommodation deck of a 750GT ro-ro ferry 2543/80013/2022 THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH EPI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (EICSE) 2020
40. Pelatihan dan Bimbingan Metode Perbaikan dan Perawatan Mesin Outboard pada Nelayan di Desa Topejawa, Takalar 5/1/2022 Jurnal Tepat (Teknologi Terapan Untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat)
41. An experimental study of stern flap performance as an energy saving device on the fishermen boat 2543/80007/2022 THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH EPI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (EICSE) 2020
42. Variation of pitch ratio propeller bos cap fins (PBCF) on fishing ship’s B-series propeller 2543/80003/2022 THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH EPI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (EICSE) 2020
43. Study on wave generation and wave contour of cargo ship at various speed 2543/80012/2022 THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH EPI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (EICSE) 2020
44. Computational investigation into resistance characteristics of a full-scale pusher-barge system 2543/80014/2022 THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH EPI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (EICSE) 2020
45. Penyuluhan dan Bimbingan Metode Perbaikan dan Perawatan Mesin Outboard pada Kapal Nelayan di Desa Pa'bentengang Kabupaten Maros 5/1/2022 Jurnal Tepat (Teknologi Terapan Untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat)
46. Water Depth Effect To Ferry Ship Resistance With Computational Fluid Dynamic Method 14/5/2022 CFD Letters
47. Computational Investigation Of Pitch Motion Of a High - Speed Craft Incorporated With Trim -Tabs 14/6/2022 CFD Letters
48. Computational Investigation into Prediction of Lift Force and Resistance of a Hydrofoil Ship 14/4/2022 CFD Letters
49. Analysis of Voltage, Current Density, and Welding Speed of Flux Core Arc Welding on The Hardness and Micro-Structure of High Strength Low Alloy (ASTM A572) 948/0/2023 Key Engineering Materials
50. Atmospheric Water Harvesting Using Thermoelectric Cooling Technology 18/4/2023 International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics
51. Perencanaan Sistem Pembangkit Listrik Hybrid Pada Kapal Penyebrangan Lintas Lembar - Padang Bai 2/1/2023 Jurnal Riset & Teknologi Terapan Kemaritiman
52. Analisa Efesiensi Gearbox pada Motor Penggerak Listrik Kapal Nelayan 2/1/2023 Jurnal Riset & Teknologi Terapan Kemaritiman
53. Computational Investigation into Pressure and Viscous Resistances of a Catamaran in Calm Water 15/11/2023 Semarak Ilmu Publishing
54. Experimental Investigation on the Effect of EDM Wire Cut Parameters on the formation of Cr23C6 in AISI 316 Steel 948/0/2023 Key Engineering Materials
55. Pelatihan Metode BalancingStatis PropellerKapal Ikan pada Kelompok Nelayan di Kabupaten Pinrang 6/12/2023 Jurnal Tepat (Teknologi Terapan Untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat)
57. Analisa Keandalan dan Resiko Sistem Pelumasan Mesin Utama Sabuk Nusantara 43 13/2/2023 JURNAL INOVTEK POLBENG
58. A Study of Alternative Materials for Sail Mast of Sandeq 5/2674/2023 Science and Engineering (EICSE 5th edition)
59. Alternative Fuel Mixture Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) and Corn Oil: Transforming Hazard into Renewable Energy 122/1/2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
60. Tentang Perilaku Tekuk PLA Cetak 3D DLP dengan Penambahan AgNO3 1134/0/2024 Materials Science Forum
61. Retak Korosi Stres pada Kuningan dalam Larutan Klorida 368/0/2024 Solid State Phenomena
62. Studi Elemen Hingga untuk Getaran Pelat Annular yang Ditumpangi Dukungan Cincin Konsentris 368/0/2024 Solid State Phenomena
63. Formulasi Campuran Limbah Kulit Pala dengan Agregat Kasar untuk Nilai Kuat Tekan Optimal pada Beton Ringan 1000/0/2024 Key Engineering Materials
64. Kekuatan dan Ketahanan Paving Block dengan Air Laut dan POFA (Abu Bahan Bakar Minyak Sawit) 1000/0/2024 Key Engineering Materials
65. Desain dan Implementasi Sel Surya sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Alternatif Sumber Kapal Pinisi. 7/2/2024 Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy
66. Alternative Fuel Mixture Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) and Corn Oil: Transforming Hazard into Renewable Energy 122/1/2024 Journal Of Advanced Research In Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
67. Autonomous Design of a Green Sea-CleaneBoat 89/1013/2024 BIO Web of Conferences
68. Study of the Characteristics of Ship Propulsion Systems with the Addition of a Kort Nozzle using the CFD Method 121/1/2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
69. Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Using Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil with Cetane Number Improver 9/3/2024 Internasional Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research
70. Application of CFD Simulation to Determine the Optimal Horizontal Position of the Nozzle Inlet of a Propeller Flow Cooling System (PFCS) 16/2/2024 Semarak Ilmu Publishing
71. Conversion of Waste Cooking Oil Combined with Corn Oil into Boidiesel Using the Trans-esterification Method 9/1/2024 Internasional Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research

Judul Penelitian Tahun
Sistem Konversi Gerak Kapal Menjadi Energi Listrik pada Kapal Nelayan dengan Generator Linear Cerdas 2018
On the use of Electrical Motor with Hybrid Power Sources as the Prime Mover of a Fishing Boat 2018
Prediksi Capaian Kecepatan kapal Terhadap Daya Mesin Utama Tugboat pada Variasi Beban Muatan Tongkang 2018
Pemanfaatan Gas Buang (Heat Waste Recovery) Mesin Kapal Nelayan untuk Desalinasi Air Laut Menjadi Air Tawar 2018
Pengaruh Posisi dan Ukuran Stern Flap Sebagai Energy Saving Device (ESD) Terhadap Peningkatan Kecepatan Kapal Ikan 2019
Pemanfaatan Gas Buang (Heat Waste Recovery) Mesin Kapal Nelayan untuk Desalinasi Air Laut menjadi Air Tawar 2019
Integrasi dan Operasi Sistem Pencegahan dan Penanganan Virus pada Sistem Dalam Kapal Penumpang 2020
Pengaruh Bentuk Stern Flap sebagai Energy Saving Device (ESD) pada Kapal Nelayan 2020
Integrasi dan Operasi Sistem Pencegahan dan Penanganan Virus pada Sistem Dalam Kapal Penumpang 2021
Pengaruh Bentuk dan Kemiringan Penutup Distilator Berbasis Panas Gas Buang Mesin Penggerak Kapal 2021
Integrasi dan Operasi Sistem Pencegahan dan Penanganan Virus pada Sistem Dalam Kapal Penumpang 2022
Analisis Pengaruh Bentuk Sudu Turbin Arus Vertikal Terapung (TAVT) pada Tipe H_Darrieus 2022
Inovasi Distilator Elektrik Berbasis Photovoltaic Untuk Kebutuhan Air Tawar Pada kapal Nelayan Tradisional 2023
Konversi Waste Cooking Oil Menjadi Biodeisel dengan Penambahan Cetane Number Improver seta Efek pada Mesin Diesel: Proporties, Performa dan Emisi 2024
Analisis Prestasi Sistem Pengering Biji Kopi Berbasis Vacuum Freeze Drying 2024
Analisa Respon Gerak Turbin Angin Terapung Tipe Barge Terhadap Variasi Bentuk Floater 2024
Analisa dan Evaluasi Pencahayaan Buatan pada Ruang Penumpang Kapal Feri Ro-Ro 500GT 2024
Prototipe Sistem Konversi Air Laut Menjadi Air Tawar (SWRO) Berbasis Membran Guna Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Air Tawar di Pulau Terpencil 2024
Simulasi Potensi dan Aplikabilitas Turbin Arus di Teluk Palu 2024

Judul Pengabdian Tahun
Pengenalan dan Pendampingan Aplikasi Mikrokontroller pada Sistem Penyiraman Kebun guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ekonomi Petani di Desa Balla Kabupaten Enrekang 2018
Bimbingan Aplikasi Sistem Hibrid Genset dan Photovoltaik pada Masyarakat Nelayan di Suppa Kabupaten Pinrang 2018
PK-UH Pelatihan dan Bimbingan Metode Perbaikan dan Perawatan Mesin Outboard pada Kapal Nelayan di Desa Bontosunggu Kabupaten Jeneponto 2019
Pelatihan Metode Baru Pembuatan Perahu Untuk Pengrajin Perahu Nelayan Berbahan FRP di Tallo Makassar 2020
PK-DIES NATALIS Pelatihan dan Bimbingan Metode Perbaikan dan Perawatan Mesin Outboard pada Nelayan di Desa Topejawa, Kecamatan Mangarabombang, Kabupaten Takalar 2021
Pelatihan Pembuatan Perahu Lepa-Lepa berbahan Fiber Glass bagi Petani Tambak di Desa Borikamase - Maros Baru 2021
Penyuluhan Aplikasi Antifouling Untuk Mencegah Penurunan Kinerja Dan Daya Tahan Kapal Fiberglass Di Kecamatan Barombong Kabupaten Gowa 2022
Sosialisasi Bahan Pendingin Ikan Pengganti Es Balok untuk Nelayan di Kabupaten Bulukumba 2022
Penerapan Teknologi Pendinginan Ikan Berbasis Energi Surya pada Masyarakat Nelayan di Desa Turungan Kecamatan Mattiro Sompe Kabupaten Pinrang 2022
PK-DIES NATALIS Sosialisasi Bahan INSULASI DAN BAHAN Pendingin Pengganti Es Balok Untuk Para Nelayan Di Kabupaten Maros 2022
Penyuluhan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja Produksi Kapal pada Galangan Berskala Mikro di Barombong Kabupaten Gowa 2022
Pelatihan Metode Balancing Statis Propeller Kapal Ikan pada Kelompok Nelayan di Kabupaten Pinrang 2023
Pelatihan Pembuatan Material Fiberglass dengan Metode Vacuum Infusion pada Masyarakat Nelayan dan Pekerja Kapal di Kelurahan Pannampu Makassar 2024