Department of Mining Engineering

Mine Environment Laboratory
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Environmental problems are the most important issue in the mining industry. Therefore, Mining Engineering of Hasanuddin University builds competency in the mining environment. The main goal is that students are equipped with science and technology in good mining environmental management, from the exploration to post-mining stages. 

The research topics studied in this laboratory include;

  • Groundwater Hydrology
  • Groundwater and Geotechnical Problems
  • Mine Drainage and Drain
  • Acid Mine Water
  • Mine Waste Management
  • Mine Reclamation

The courses developed from the laboratory are; 

  • Compulsory courses; Hydrogeology, Soil Mechanics, Mine Hydrology, and Mine Environmental Engineering,
  • Elective courses; Groundwater Models, Groundwater Mechanics, Mine Waste Management, Mine Environmental Geochemistry, and Mine Reclamation

The Laboratory Facilities: (Details)

  1. BOD Quick Measuring Apparatus
  2. COD Meter
  3. Hydrogeology Study System
  4. Portable Sampler
  5. Resistivity Meter
  6. Water Level Logger (portable)
  7. Turbidity Meter
  8. Portable Spectrophotometer
  9. Thermometer
  10. pH Meter
  11. pH Soil
  12. Environmental Analysis Photometer
  13. Groundwater Modelling Software
  14. Slope Stability Analysis Software (Galena)
  15. Geostudio Software
  16. Visual Modflow (Stand Alone)
  17. Visual Modflow (Network Based)
  18. Desktop PC

Head of Laboratory
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Dr. Eng. Ir Muhammad Ramli, MT
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Asta Arjunoarwan Hatta, ST., MT
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