Department of Mining Engineering

Student Support
Support and Assistance

The degree programmer provides support and assistance service as follows: 

  1. Academic Advisor: Particularly for the academic advisory, it is based on the Rector’s decree about the administration of the bachelor programme of Universitas Hasanuddin No. 2781/UN/UN4.1/KEP/2018. According to the decree, each student has an academic advisor who is providing advice and support that helps students in the decision-making process regarding the academic and non-academic activity. During their study period, students can have a consultation with their academic advisor at least twice every semester. Consultations are generally related to study plans and academic problems that may arise during their study. The staff, usually a lecturer that helps students to prepare their study plans and follow their academic developments. They guide the selection of compulsory and elective courses from the perspective of career guidance. There is study guidance personnel appointed by the chair of the study program. Students can consult with them if there are problems with the study. 
  2. Thesis Advisor: A lecturer was chosen to provide guidance in the selection of research topics and to prepare the final project for students, and guidance in the development of thesis, data processing, and research methodology. 
  3. Lecturer: The lecturers facilitate the learning process that has been previously scheduled following the assignments assigned by the head of the study program. 
  4. Counselling: A service provided by the university (https://pbk.unhas.ac.id) to counsels students in problems related to studies and learning, even personal problems where needed, and provides expertise in issues involving learning and guidance. 
  5. Orientation: Academic rules governing all matters relating to the life and academic environment of the university are formulated in the Rector's Decree on Academic Orders No. 1870/H4/P/2009. These comprehensive academic rules are shared with new students during the new student orientation period. Before the school year, an orientation week is held to introduce students to the university environment and academic culture. This activity also provides opportunities for students to interact with each other. 
  6. Center of Technology: At the faculty level, the Faculty of Engineering has a Center of Technology (COT, https://cot.unhas.ac.id) which establishes strong relationships with agencies, companies, and planning bureaus. COT can help direct students who will do practical work or internships in COT-related offices or planning agencies. Students who do internships will be guided by a supervisor (lecturer) with relevant competencies. Students are also guided by lecturers appointed by the Universitas Hasanuddin Community Service Unit in community service programs. 
  7. Language Center: The Language Center is one of the technical service units under the auspices of Universitas Hasanuddin which has the main task of providing language services to the community. The Language Center provides support to students who want to study and improve their English language skills or increase their TOEFL scores which are one of the requirements for undergraduate graduation
  8. Library: Libraries also play an important role in providing academic support to students. Libraries provide library materials services to be read on the spot or borrowed at home. Universitas Hasanuddin Library, the Faculty and the URP Department have a collection of scientific works (thesis, theses, dissertations, and journals) and books that students can use to support the smooth running of their studies 
  9. Financial assistance is provided through the provision of scholarships from various funding agencies that can be applied directly by the students or through the university (https://kemahasiswaan.unhas.ac.id/pengumuman). During the pandemic situation, the university also provides a tuition discount scheme for the students. 

Not only for active students, but the university also provides support for fresh graduates and alumni by providing information and channels for internship and job opportunities (https://cdc.unhas.ac.id/en). 

Scholarship Information

Scholarship Information can be accessed from https://kemahasiswaan.unhas.ac.id/pengumuman