Department of Mining Engineering

Survey Result
PLO Measurement

The quality assessment for these PLOs uses surveys covering employers, alumni, students, and lecturers. Employer survey and alumni survey intends to appraise the accomplishment of Program Learning Outcome. The survey is devised by developing a set of performance indicators. Per September 21st 2021, the available result for the employer and alumni survey is: 


Learning Evaluation

The learning evaluation survey was conducted to measure how teaching materials and learning methods support students to achieve Course Learning Outcomes in each course so that they can meet the Intended Learning Outcomes. In Figure B.3 it can be seen that students' perceptions of the learning outcomes they achieve are relatively in accordance with the scores they get in the courses taken. 

The methods that are widely applied in learning are case study, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning. In addition, there are also several supporting methods, namely group discussion, simulation, mind mapping and field trips