Department of Mining Engineering

Mineral Exploration Laboratory
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Mineral Exploration Laboratory is managed by two lecturers who are Dr. Ir. Irzal Nur, M.T. as head of laboratory, and Asran Ilyas, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. & Dr.phil.nat. Sri Widodo, ST., MT as laboratory staff.

This laboratory runs following subjects:

Compulsory subjects:

  1. Coal and Mineral Deposit Genesis
  2. Exploration Engineering
  3. Modeling and Reserve Evaluation
  4. Geostatistics

Elective subjects:

  1. Hydrothermal Alteration
  2. Mineragraphy
  3. Exploration Geochemistry
  4. Exploration Geophysic

The Laboratory Facilities: (Details)

  1. Basic Soil Sampling Kit
  2. Core Drilling Machine
  3. Digital Theodolite
  4. Automatic Level (Digital Waterpass)
  5. Drawing Equipment Set A0
  6. Estwing Type Geologic Hammer
  7. Brunton Brunton Type Compass
  8. Desktop PC Type1

Head of Laboratory
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Dr. Ir. Irzal Nur, MT.
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Dr.phil.nat. Sri Widodo, ST., MT.
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