Dr. Eng. Purwanto, ST., MT
Nip | 197111282005011002 |
Position | Head of Geomechanics Laboratory |
Areas of Expertise | Geomechanics and Rock Engineering |
purwanto[at]unhas[dot]ac.id |
- Study of Scale Effect in Shear Strength Test (2011)
- Roughness Effect on Shear Strength (2011)
- Fundamental Study on Support System at Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine, Indonesia (2012)
- Shotcrete Crack Condition at Cikoneng Decline-Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine (2012)
- Simulation Study of Support Design of Cut and Fill Mine Method at Underground Gold Mine (2013)
- Induced Stress on Decline of Cut and Fill Mining Method (2013)
- Influence of Stope Design on Hanging Wall Decline in Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine (2013)
- Support design of Underground Cut and Fill Mine by Using Hybrid Numerical Empirical Model (2014)
- Landslide susceptibility mapping using differential interferometry SAR and statistic model in Bawakaraeng and Lompobattang mountain, Sulawesi (2015)
- Analisis Keberlanjutan Sumber Daya Air Tanah Pada Akifer Pantai Gowa – Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan (Analysis of Groundwater Resources Sustainability in Coastal Aquifer) (2018)
- Hubungan Uji Kuat Tekan Uniaxial dan Uji Kuat Batuan dengan Schmidt Hammer (Correlation of UCS Test and Rock Hardness Using Schmidt Hammer) (2017)
- Hubungan Uji Kuat Tekan Uniaxial dan Uji Kuat Batuan dengan Schmidt Hammer (Correlation of UCS Test and Rock Hardness Using Schmidt Hammer) (2018)
- Study on Influence of Joint Orientation on Rock Engineering Properties for Mining and Infrastructure Design (Studi Pengaruh Arah Rekahan terhadap Properti Batuan dalam Desain Tambang dan Infrastruktur) (2018)
- Analisis Erosi Tanah pada Lahan Reklamasi Tambang (Analysis of Soil Erosion in Mine Reclamation Area) (2019)
- Analisis Pengaruh Derajat Pelapukan Terhadap Sifat Keteknikan Batuan Ultramafic di Barru, Sul-Sel (Analysis of Weathering Degree Effects on Ultramafic Rock Engineering Properties) (2020)
- Karakterisasi Kekuatan Batuan di Daerah Kabupaten Gowa; Implikasinya Terhadap Perencanaan Pembangunan (Characterization of Rock Strength in Gowa Regency: Implications for Development Planning) (2020)
- Time-Dependent Support Pressure of Underground Gold Mine in Indonesia (2020)
- Shear Strength Analysis of Rock Due To The Effect of Surface Roughness Based on Laboratory Testing and Numerical Modeling (2021)
- Studi Pengaruh Perubahan Temperatur Terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Mekanis Batuan Basalt (2022)
Pengabdian Masyarakat
- Sosialisasi Bahaya Tanah Longsor di Desa Mamampang, Kecamatan Tombolo Pao Kabupaten Gowa (2016)
- Modifikasi Komposisi Briket Bio-Batubara Dalam Upaya Mengoptimalkan Proses Pembakaran dan Pemanfaatan Biji Jarak, Limbah Jerami dan Sekam Padi Pada Pabrik Briket Batubara di Kabupaten Takalar (2011)
- Eksplorasi dan Pemanfaatan Potensi Air Tanah di Kecamatan Sinjai Tengah dan Tellulimpoe, Kabupaten Sinjai (2016)
- Modification Briquette composition Bio-Coal Combustion in Process Optimizing efforts and Utilization Seeds Distance, Waste Straw and Rice Husk On Coal Briquette Plant in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi Province (2011)
- Penyelidikan Geologi Teknik untuk Menunjang Infrastruktur Daerah Tahun Anggaran 2018 dan 2019 Provinsi Gorontalo (Engineering Geological Investigations to Support Regional Infrastructure for Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019 Gorontalo Province) (2018, 2019)
- Peningkatan Kestabilan Pilar Tambang Bawah Tanah di PT Gunung Marmer Raya (Marble Underground Mine Pillar Stability Improvement at PT Gunung Marmer Raya) (2019)
- Inisiasi Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Kegiatan Pertambangan Material Konstruksi di PT Harfia Graha Perkasa, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan. (2021)
- Pengembangan Sumur Bor Air Tanah di Pondok Tahfidzul Qur'an Miftahul Jannah Putri, di Pamanjengan - Moncongloe, Maros (2022)
- Support design of Underground Cut and Fill Mine by Using Hybrid Numerical Empirical Model (2014)
- Influence of Stope Design on Hanging Wall Decline in Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine (2013)
- Fundamental Study on Support Systemat Cibaliung Underground Gold Mine, Indonesia (2013)
- Overall Slope Stability Analysis Based on Pit Depth Targets Using Geological Srength Index (GSI) Classification (2016)
- Pengaruh Derajat Pelapukan terhadap Kekuatan Batuan pada Batuan Basal (2018)
- Study on Influence of Joint Orientation on Rock Engineering Properties for Mining and Infrastructure Design (2018)
- Pengaruh Pelapukan Terhadap Kuat Tekan Batuan (2017)
- Pengaruh Derajat Pelapukan terhadap Kekuatan Batuan pada Batuan Basal (2017)
- Potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihydro (PLTM) Sungai Binuang Desa Malimbu Kecamatan Sabbang Kabupaten Luwu Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (2017)
- Impact of Weathering on Rock Strength by Schmidt Hammer Test (2017)
- Peran Sektor Pertambangan terhadap Perekonomian Sulawesi Selatan (2018)
- Subsurface Investigation of Freshwater-Seawater Interface on Gowa-Takalar Coastal Aquifer, Indonesia (2018)
- Pengaruh Orientasi Urat Kalsit terhadap Kuat Tekan Uniaksial pada Batu Marmer (2019)
- Pengaruh Kadar Air terhadap Kuat Tekan Uniaksial dan Indeks Kekerasan Schmidt Hammer pada Batuan Diorit (2019)
- Analisis Pengaruh Komposisi Mineral terhadap Kuat Tekan Batuan Trakit di Desa Malauwe, Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan (2019)
- Aspek Mineralogi terhadap Kerentanan Tanah Longsor pada Pelapukan Batuan Vulkanik di Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo (2019)
- Analysis of Soil Erosion on Mine Area (2020)
- Time-dependent support pressure of underground gold mine in Indonesia (2020)
- Study on Influence of Joint Orientation on Rock Engineering Properties for Mining and Infrastructure Design (2020)
- Inisiasi Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Kegiatan Pertambangan Material Konstruksi Di PT Harfia Graha Perkasa, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan (2021)
- Support Technical Evaluation Using Q-System Method in Development Area of Grasberg Block Cave (GBC) Mine PT Freeport Indonesia (2021)
- Study of Compressive Strength and Durability of Fly Ash and Trass Based Geopolymer Mortar (2021)
- Analysis of overbreak effect on rockbolt cost in Extraction level Panel 29 West at PT freeport Indonesia using Monte Carlo regression and simulation analysis (2022)
- Instalasi Pompa untuk Pemanfaatan Air Tanah pada Pondok Tahfidzul Qur’an Miftahul Jannah Putri Pamanjengan, Moncongloe - Maros (2023)
- Preliminary study: potential of tropical forest and coastal area for eco-edutourism on pesanggrahan beach, Malang Regency (2023)
- Vegetation cover analysis for sustainable coastal forest management in Pesanggrahan, Bantur District, Malang Regency (2023)
- Shear Strength Analysis of Rock due to the Effect of Surface Roughness Based on Laboratory Testing and Numerical Modeling (2023)
- Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) Correlation Analysis On Ground Vibration in Blasting Activities (2023)
- Atmospheric hydrochloric and nitric acid leaching of a limonite ore from the Wolo mine area, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia (2024)
- Thermal Beneficiation of a Nickel Laterite Ore from the Obi Island of North Maluku, Indonesia Using Corncob Char as Reductant (2024)
Staff Handbook
- B.5 Staff Handbook.pdf