Three Mining Engineering Students PKM Proposals Unhas Pass Kemendikbudristek Funding 2021
Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University (Unhas) again made another achievement.
Three proposals for the Unhas Mining Student Creativity Program (PKM) passed funding by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in 2021.
This is a tradition and achievement that has been going on from year to year for students of Mining Engineering Unhas. The approval of the three proposals was based on the Decree of the Head of the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1949/E2/KM.05.01/2021 concerning Funding for PKM in 2021.
Three proposals that passed the Mining Engineering Unhas namely Extraction of gold and silver from oxide ores using Tiourea, chaired by Nanda Pratiwi Rapele, a 2017 student, supervised by Sufriadin. Handsanitaizer is an innovation product from mining waste utilization, led by Muhammad Jabal Nur, a 2018 student, supervised by Dr. eng. Purwanto. And a predictive maintenance model with Artificial Intelligence to increase the productivity of mining equipment, tapped by Muhammad Sandi Arista Ikhsan, a 2018 student, supervised by Aryanti Virtanti Anas.
The Head of the Mining Engineering Department of Unhas, Purwanto who is also one of the PKM supervisors, expressed his pride in the achievements of the Mining Engineering students of Unhas. He explained that in 2021, there were 67,743 proposals submitted by students from universities throughout Indonesia. In total, he said, Unhas in 2021 managed to pass 155 proposals to be funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
This article has been published on with the title Proposal Three PKM Mining Engineering Students Unhas Passed Kemendikbudristek Funding 2021, mining-unhas-passing-funding-Kemendikbudristek-2021. Author: Rudi Greetings | Editor: Hasriyani Latif
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