Department of Architecture

Computerized Architecture, Design & Simulation
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The Laboratory of Computerized Architectural Design and Simulations (Lab. CADS) is a laboratory that works to serve the teaching of students mastering a variety of software as the design tools such as AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, etc. This laboratory also provides software for the benefit of the simulation, e.g. simulation of lighting, thermal, energy, acoustics, and building structure. In addition to the teaching function, this laboratory is also preparing the equipment for the purposes of research, in particular for the simulation as mentioned previously.

Laboratory Equipments:

1. Personal Computer (PC) Core-i7 (30 set)

2. Plotter A1 (1 set)

3. Printer Laser A4 (1 buah)

4. LCD Projector (1 buah)

5. Video Camera (1 buah)

This Laboratory serves the practical session of Subjects:

Undergraduate Study Program:

1. Desain Komputer Berbasis Komputer (CAD)

2. Desain dan Simulasi Pencahayaan

3. Desain dan Simulasi Termal

4. Desain dan Simulasi Energi Bangunan

5. Desain dan Simulasi Akustik

Master of Engineering in Architecture:

1. Statistics

2. Thermal Design and Simulation

3. Lighting Design and Simulation

4. Acoustic Design and Simulation

5. Climate, Energy, and Environment

Head of Laboratory
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Prof. Ir. Baharuddin, S.T., M.Arch., Ph.D.
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