Programme Specification
Awarding body/Institution : Hasanuddin University Teaching Institution : Faculty of Engineering Address: Architecture Building, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Campus Jalan Poros Malino km. 6 Bontomarannu, 91271 Gowa - Sulawesi Selatan Website: E-mail address: Accreditation Agency : Accredited 'A' by BAN-PT (National Accreditation Board) since 2005 Latest accreditation period 2016-2021 Title awarded : S.T. (Sarjana Teknik/Bachelor of Engineering) Programme title : Architecture Study Program Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) : Graduates are expected to be able to: 1. To internalise the values of religion, human rights, and Pancasila in the profession. 2. To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of basic knowledge that supports architectural or structural design. 3. To exhibit professional skill in architectural works. 4. To manage architectural works across disciplines. 5. To demonstrate a good communication of architectural ideas and design through various media. 6. To apply a comprehensive architectural design based on local context (social, economy, environment, and maritime culture). 7. To apply the principles of material usage, construction methods, and structural system in building design. 8. To apply the principles of passive low energy, energy efficiency, and eco-friendly in building design. 9. To apply a comprehensive theory in conceptual design and architectural research. 10. To apply architectural design in the context of maritime continent (tropical archipelago, marine disaster). 11. To demonstrate the capacity to write and defend proposal and report on architectural design or scientific research. Admission criteria : Prospectus students shall: 1. Finish high-school (SMA, MA, and SMK) 2. Pass the university admission test through SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and MANDIRI (see Programme structure and requirements : Compulsory course 132 credits: Elective course 12 credits Total course 144 credits Mode of attendance : Full-time
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