Dr.Eng. Ir. Rosady Mulyadi, S.T., M.T.
Nip | 197008101998021001 |
Position | Lektor Kepala/Kepala Laboratorium Pengukuran dan Pemetaan - Scopus ID: 6508183550 |
Areas of Expertise | Sains dan Teknologi Bangunan (Termal dan Energi Bangunan) |
rosady[at]unhas[dot]ac.id |
- Efektifitas Fasade Selubung Ganda dalam Mengurangi Konsumsi Energi pada Bangunan Gedung (2014)
- Efektifitas Fasade Selubung Ganda dalam Mengurangi Beban Panas pada Dinding Luar Bangunan (2013)
- Tingkat Kinerja Ruang-ruang Penjualan di Pusat Niaga Daya dan Sekitarnya (2014)
- Evaluasi Kondisi Kenyamanan Termal Masjid Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin (2015)
- Karakteristik Lumious Efficacy Global dan Difus Berdasarkan Jenis Kondisi Langit di Indonesia (2014)
- Efek Noise terhadap Kenyamanan Audial Rumah Penduduk di Kawasan Bandar Udara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar dan Alternatif Penanggulangannya (2016)
- Kenyamanan Termal Adaptif pada Bangunan Gedung Sekolah di Wilayah Pesisir Sulawesi Selatan (2016)
- Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Siswa di Dalam Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah di Kota Makassar (2016)
- Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Siswa di Dalam Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah di Kota Makassar (2017)
- Analisis Konservasi Energi pada Bangunan Gedung (Studi Kasus: Gedung Menara Phinisi Universitas Negeri Makassar) (2018)
- Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Siswa di Dalam Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah di Kota Makassar (2016)
- Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Siswa di Dalam Ruang Kelas (Studi Kasus SD Inpres Daya Kota Makassar) (2016)
- Distribusi Intensitas Cahaya Alami Lapangan Basket GOR ASPOL Panaikang Makassar (2018)
- Kenyamanan Termal Adaptif pada Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar di Wilayah Pesisir (2019)
- Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kenyamanan Termal Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kota Makassar (2019)
- Analisis Konservasi Energi Pada Bangunan Gedung ( Studi Kasus: Gedung menara Phinisi) Tahap kedua (2019)
- Studi Karakteristik Akustik Material Serat Alam (2020)
- Kenyamanan Termal Adaptif Siswa Sekolah Menengah di Kota Makassar (2020)
- Analisis Pendinginan Pasif pada Asrama Mahasiswa Putra Kampus Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin (2020)
Pengabdian Masyarakat
- Penyuluhan dan Workshop Rumah Hemat Energi Bagi Anggota PKK Kecamatan Mamajang Kota Makassar (2015)
- Penyuluhan dan Workshop Rumah Hemat Energi di Kecamatan Dua Pitue Kabupaten Sidrap (2016)
- Sosialisasi Program S1 Arsitektur pada MAN 1 Bone (2017)
- Penyuluhan Rumah Sehat di MAN 1 Bone (2017)
- Sosialisasi Program S1 Arsitektur dan Sistem Pembelajarannya di SMAN Dua Boccoe, Bone (2018)
- Penyuluhan Toilet Sehat di SMAN Dua Boccoe, Bone (2018)
- Penyuluhan Dapur Sehat di SMAN Dua Boccoe, Bone (2018)
- Sosialisasi Program Studi Arsitektur di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Takalar (2018)
- Karakteristik Efikasi Cahaya Global dan Difus Berdasarkan Jenis Kondisi Langit di Indonesia (2013)
- Classification of Daylight and radiation Data into Three Sky Conditions by Cloud Ratio and Sunshine Duration (2004)
- Performance of Ventilated Double-Skin Facade in Reducing Energy Consumption for Cooling System in Building (2014)
- Performance Level of Salesrooms on PND Market in Makassar (2014)
- Thermal Comfort at Production Room of Butsudan Industry in Makassar (2006)
- Telaah Beberapa Karya Arsitek Aldo Rossi Melalui Intuisi Metafisika (2004)
- Study on Solar Heat Gain and Thermal Transmittance of East- and West-Facing Double-skin Facade in Hot and Humid Climate (2012)
- Study on Energy Performance of Double-skin Facade in Indonesia (2012)
- Skin Load Performance of Double-Skin Façade in Indonesia (2010)
- The Shading Coefficient and the U-value of a Naturally Ventilated Double-skin Façade Wall in Hot and Humid Climate (2013)
- The Role of Green Building Tools in Promoting Water Sustainability in the Life Cycle of Residential Buildings (2006)
- A Preliminary Study on Daylight Availability in Hong Kong (2008)
- Preliminary Study of Horizontal Illuminance in Indonesia (2004)
- Preliminary Study of Diffuse Horizontal Illuminance in Hong Kong (2009)
- Performance of Double-Glassed Facade in Reducing Heat Load: A Study on Simulated Building Based on Indonesia Condition (2010)
- Losari: Waterfront and Public Space of Makassar (2006)
- An Examination on Daily Horizontal Illuminance Data in Indonesia (2008)
- Evaluation of the Application of Shape Grammars in Architectural Design (2004)
- Efektifitas fasad selubung ganda dalam mengurangi beban panas pada dinding luar bangunan (2014)
- Double-skin Facade in Low-Latitude: A Study on Absorptance, Reflectance, and Transmittance of Direct Solar Radiation (2013)
- Determining Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient and Shading Coefficient of Doubleskin Facade (2011)
- Kontrol Kualitas Pengukuran Luminansi dan Radiasi Surya di Makassar (2002)
- The Possibility of the Application of Double-skin Façade in Indonesia (2010)
- A Preliminary Study on Microclimate Condition in Makassar (2003)
- Pengaruh Luas Dinding Transparan terhadap Tingkat Perolehan Panas pada Bangunan (2006)
- Evaluasi Kenyamanan Termal Masjid Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin (2015)
- Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Siswa di Dalam Ruang Kelas (Studi Kasus SD Inpres Daya Kota Makassar) (2016)
- Analisis Kenyamanan Termal Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar di Kota Makassar: Studi Kasus SD Unggulan Toddopuli (2016)
- Kinerja Fasad Selubung Ganda dalam Menurunkan Konsumsi Energi untuk Pendinginan pada Bangunan Gedung (2016)
- The Development of Rural Road Transport Network in Baraka- Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi-Indonesia (2017)
- Thermal comfort analyses of elemantary school students in the Tropical Region (2017)
- Analisis Fluktuasi Temperatur Udara dalam Ruang pada Ruang Seminar Laboratorium Sains dan Bangunan Kampus Gowa (2017)
- Temperatur dan Kelembaban Relatif Udara Outdoor (2015)
- Thermal Comfort Analyses of Secondary School Students in the Tropics (2018)
- The Development of Rural Road Transport Network in Baraka- Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi-Indonesia (2017)
- The Effect of Mamuju Arterial Road (MAR) Development to Change in Land Use (2018)
- Studi Awal Pengembangan Sainsteknopark Sagu di Tana Luwu (2017)
- The Effect of Air Distribution System towards Indoor Air Quality (Case Study: Auditorium of Phinisi Tower) (2018)
- Preliminary Study of Chicken Feather as Alternative for Acoustical Material (2015)
- Transdisciplinary research on local community based sago forest development model for food security and marginal land utilization in the coastal area (2018)
- Pengaruh Elemen Fasad terhadap Laju Pergerakan Aliran Udara di Ruang Kelas (2017)
- Design of energy efficient and thermally comfortable air-conditioned university classrooms in the tropics (2019)
- Study on Chicken Feather as Acoustical Absorptive Material (2019)
- Analysis of Indoor Thermal Comfort of Room Space in the International Standard Hotel Building (2019)
- A Pilot Study on the Sound Absorption Characteristics of Chicken Feathers as an Alternative Sustainable Acoustical Material (2019)
- Konservasi Energi Sistem Tata Udara Bangunan Gedung Hotel Berdasarkan Kondisi Iklim Mikro Kota Makassar (2019)
- Computational Study of the Heat Ventilation on The Attics of Buginese Houses (2019)
- Occupants’ Thermal Comfort in Reading Room of CSA Building, Faculty of Engineering Hasanuddin University (2019)
- Thermal investigation on the attics of buginese traditional houses in South Sulawesi (2019)
- Identifikasi Kenyamanan Termal Rumah Tradisional Bugis di Iklim Tropis Lembap (2019)
- Study of the Heat Ventilation with Inclined Chimney in the Attic (2019)
- Air Temperature and Humidity Outdoor Analysis of Buildings in Panakukang Makassar (2019)
- Energy Conservation of the air-conditioning system of hotels building in Makassar (2019)
- Pengaruh Pembayangan terhadap Kenyamanan Termal pada Rumah Tinggal di Perumahan Bukit Baruga Antang Makassar (2019)
- Analysis of Illuminance Level on Phinisi Tower Building (2019)
- Analysis of Natural Light Distribution in Building (2019)
- Adaptive thermal comfort of naturally ventilated classrooms of elementary schools in the tropics (2020)
- Tinjauan Tingkat Iluminasi pada Bangunan Gedung Menara Phinisi UNM (2018)
- Analisis Distribusi Cahaya pada Ruang Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin (2018)
- Komparasi Performa Insulasi Termal Antara Dinding Batu Bata dan Batu Bata dengan Penambahan Insulasi Alang-Alang (2020)
- Adaptive Thermal Comfort of Elementary School Student (A Case study of the West Coastal Area of South Sulawesi) (2020)
- Comparison of Building Envelope Models to Illuminance Level in Phinisi Tower Building (2020)
- Coconut Leaf Midribs as an Acoustical Panel – Feasibility Study through Impedance Tube Method (2020)
- Factors Affecting Thermal Comfort of Elementary Schools' Students in Makassar (2020)
- Analysis of Changes in Urban Heat Islands in Gorontalo City Using the Landsat TM8 Imagery (2021)
- Pengaruh Besaran Ruang dan Jumlah Mahasiswa terhadap Temperatur di Ruang Kelas (2019)
- Proposed Model of Neutral Temperature Equation for Adaptive Thermal Comfort in Student Flats Units in the Tropics (2021)
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