Department of Mining Engineering

Geomechanics Laboratory
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Geomechanics is the theoretical and applied science of the mechanical behaviour of rock and rock masses; it is concerned with the response of rock and rock masses to the force fields of their physical environment. Geomechanics have contributed in the general area of earth resources engineering, including civil, mining, petroleum, energy resources, and environmental engineering.

The courses managed in this laboratory are grouped into compulsory subjects and elective subjects.

Compulsory subjects

  1. Rock Mechanics
  2. Blasting Engineering
  3. Mine Geotechnics
  4. Mine Ventilation

Elective subjects

  1. Tunnel Engineering
  2. Underground Stability
  3. Technology of Rock Support and Reinforcement
  4. Drilling and Excavation Engineering
  5. Monitoring Technologies for Mines

The Laboratory Facilities: (Details)

  1. Blasting Simulation
  2. GPS Garmin
  3. Slope Stability Analysis Software (Galena)
  4. Unconfined Compressive Strength Test
  5. Direct Shear Test
  6. Physical Properties Test
  7. Hydrometer Test
  8. Atterberg Limit Test
  9. Triaxial Test for Soil
  10. Rock Cutter Machine
  11. Core Drill Machine Portable
  12. Grinder
  13. Digital Balance
  14. Picnometer

List of Software licensed by Geomechanics Laboratory

  1. Rocscience Dips
  2. Rocscience EX3
  3. Rocscience Examine2D
  4. Rocscience RocData
  5. Rocscience RocFall
  6. Rocscience Rocplane
  7. Rocscience RocSupport
  8. Rocscience RocTopple
  9. Rocscience RS2
  10. Rocscience RS3
  11. Rocscience RSPile
  12. Rocscience Settle3
  13. Rocscience Slide2
  14. Rocscience Slide3
  15. Rocscience Swedge
  16. Rocscience Unwedge

Head of Laboratory
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Dr. Eng. Purwanto, ST., MT
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Nirmana Fiqra Qaidahiyani, S.T., M.T.