Department of Informatics

Other Supporting Facilities

Kemahasiswaan Unhas (University Student Affairs)
Center for the consult and advise faculty students, associated students on the procedure of studies at the University and on other studies-related questions. Provides information and methodological advice on University scholarships, social scholarships, and provide training to students to improve their soft skills and the ability to write a research proposal
Official Site : Unhas Student Affair
Pusat Kegiatan Mahasiswa (PKM) Universitas Hasanuddin (Hasanuddin University Student Activity Center (PKM))
Students’ activities usually performed together with students from other programs such as activities in the sports unit, cultural units, units of social studies, as well as activities at UNHAS Student Association
Pusat Bahasa (Language Center)
A joint teaching and service unit for languages and communications both for students and staff.
Official Site : Unhas Language Center
Universitas Hasanuddin Student Dormitory
The Universitas Hasanuddin Student Dormitory is located next to the Universitas Hasanuddin Faculty of Engineering. It consists of 2 main buildings with 5 floors each. This Rusunawa can be said to be the most popular residence for students, especially for students who come from abroad. The rental fee per room is quite light, IDR 350,000 / month excluding electricity & water costs. For information and registration, prospective new residents can contact the building manager.
Gedung Olahraga (Sport Center)
Kolam Renang (Swimming pool)
Rumah Sakit UNHAS(Unhas Education Hospital)