Dr. Amil Ahmad Ilham, S.T., M.IT.

Nip | 197310101998021001 |
Jabatan | Lektor Kepala |
Bidang Keahlian | Sistem Informasi, Big Data dan Cloud Computing |
Surat Elektronik | amil[at]unhas[dot]ac.id |
- Sistem Multi Tampilan Pemonitoring Kesehatan Pasien pada Self-Routing Mesh Networking 2.4 GHz (Tahun II) - Testing (2015)
- Wavelet Analysis for Identification of Lung Abnormalities using Artificial Neural Network (2014)
- Prediction of Reagents Needs using Radial Basis Function in Teaching Hospital (2015)
- he Design of Wearable Medical Device for Triaging Disaster Casualties in Developing Countries (2014)
- An Intelligent Traffic Light System for Reducing Number of Queuing Cars in Complex Road Juction (2016)
- Sistem Telemedis Interaktif untuk Penanganan Pasien Rawat Jalan (2014)
- Pengembangan Application Programming Interface Untuk Layanan Data Sistem Informasi (2016)
- Impelementasi Sistem Pengaduan Masyarakat Berbasis Web dan Android pada Kota Makassar (2016)
- Desain dan Imlementasi Teknologi Mobile Backend as a Service (Mbaas) pada Aplikasi Layanan Web (2016)
- Desain Model Job Career Development Center Menggunakan Teknologi Object Oriented Programming dan Model View Controller (2016)
- Smart Car Berbasis Smartphone Android (2016)
- Perancangan Teknologi Image Processing untuk Mendukung Model Supply Chain Management pada Industri Hulu bidang Perikanan (2018)
- Sistem Kemiripan Karya Ilmiah dengan Metode Pengelompokan dan Analisis Kemiripan (2019)
Pengabdian Masyarakat
- Pengembangan Sistem Pemantau Kesehatan Pasien Menggunakan Sensor Nirkabel (2013)
- Performance Evaluation of ZigBee-based wireless sensor network for Monitoring Patients (2013)
- Prediction of Reagents Needs using Radial Basis Function in Teaching Hospital (2015)
- Prediction of Reagents Needs Using Radial Basis Function in Teaching Hospital (2015)
- A Compact and Robust WBN Applicable for Real-Time Febris Monitoring. (2014)
- Sistem Monitoring dan Kendali Kerja Air Conditioning Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 8535 (2013)
- Prediction of Reagents Needs Using Radial Basis Function in Teaching Hospital (2015)
- An Intelligent Traffic Light System for Reducing Number of Queuing Cars in Complex Road Junction (2017)
- A low cost wearable medical device for vital signs monitoring in low-resource settings (2019)
- IoT-based water quality monitoring system for soft-shell crab farming (2018)
- Design of smart lock system for doors with special features using bluetooth technology (2018)
- Evaluating the effect placement capacitor and distributed photovoltaic generation for power system losses minimization in radial distribution system (2018)
- Indonesian Sign Language Letter Interpreter Application Using Leap Motion Control Based on Naïve Bayes Classifier (2019)
- Integration of LoRa-Cellular: Design and Implementation of Data Communication in Vehicle Tracking Systems (2019)
- Smartphone Technology Applications for Milkfish Image Segmentation Using OpenCV Library (2020)
- Implementation of Clustering and Similarity Analysis for Detecting Content Similarity in Student Final Projects (2020)
Staff Handbook
- Amil_Ahmad_Ilham_staff_handbook.pdf