Geology and characteristics of epithermal gold mineralization at the Motongkad Prospect, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Deskripsi | In the Motongkad prospect, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, an epithermal gold mineralization occurred, hosted in andesitic-basaltic breccia, lava and tuff members of the middle Miocene volcanic rock (Tmv). The volcanic rock is intr uded by andesite dikes and contains fine quartz veins. Gold, silver, and pyrite are found in the quartz veins (Effendi and Bawono 1997). Geographically, the Motongkad prospect is included in the northern arm of the Sulawesi mineralization districts, which is a part of the Tertiary Western Sulawesi and the Quaternary Minahasa-Sangihe volcanic. Geologically, this region is rich in various types of mineral deposits. |
Oleh | Muhammad Adam |
Anggota Publikasi | Asri Jaya, Musri Mawaleda, Irzal Nur |
Link Publikasi | |
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